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How To Enjoy Your Phone: The Healthy Way

How To Enjoy Your Phone: The Healthy Way

Smartphones have made our lives much easier, however we know they have also greatly impacted our physical and mental well-being. Here are some suggestions on how you can use your cell phone in a healthier way.

What Happens During The First Therapy Session?

What Happens During The First Therapy Session?

Are you considering trying therapy or preparing for your first therapy session? Here’s what to expect.

How To Keep Things Simple

How To Keep Things Simple

As humans, we tend to complicate things - it’s in our nature. But, there is something great about keeping things simple, even though it tends to be difficult. Keeping things simple can help to reduce your stress and keep you focused on the things that matter. Here are some tips on keeping things simple:

6 Ways To Make People Like You More

6 Ways To Make People Like You More

Here are 6 key principles you should be implementing in your life to make people like you more as seen in the famous book, “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.”

Becoming More Resilient

Becoming More Resilient

Do you ever wonder why some people seem to be able to overcome obstacles and struggles more easily than others? That is because they may have more resilience. This is a trait that you are born with, but that can also be worked on and enhanced. Everyone can benefit on working on their resilience, so here are some tips:

Five Quick Tips to Reduce Anxiety Before a Stressful Event

Five Quick Tips to Reduce Anxiety Before a Stressful Event

Like anything, managing your anxiety takes practice. Test out these skills when you have the time, so that when a stressful situation occurs, you have several tools at hand.

How To Be Your Own Best Friend: 3 Quick Tips to Get Started

It’s often easy to support a close friend when they’re down, however we often struggle with providing the same kindness and support to ourselves.

How To Deal With The Post Travel Blues

How To Deal With The Post Travel Blues

If you notice that the travel blues is something you get when you return home, accept that it happens then prepare yourself for it.

Mood Tracking

Mood Tracking

Therapists frequently suggest tracking your moods in order to understand which triggers or situations lead to certain emotions. If you are seeing a counselor or doctor for any mood symptoms, this can be a helpful tool to update them with in between appointments, make the appointments go smoother, and assist you in staying on topic. Having your moods tracked will help you communicate how you have been feeling if you struggle describing it. It also helps to look back at your mood journal to see how far you have come and what you are capable of accomplishing.

Creating A Hope Box

Creating A Hope Box

A hope box is something you can create for when you need a reminder of why your life is so precious. This technique is often used in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to cultivate hope. It is simply a collection of various items that can show you that your life is meaningful and worth living.

Why Do I Have Panic Attacks?

Why Do I Have Panic Attacks?

A panic attack is the abrupt onset of intense fear or discomfort that reaches a peak within minutes and includes at least four of the following symptoms: palpitations, accelerated heart rate, sweating, trembling, shaking, or shortness of breath. Most people who experience panic attacks ask the question, ‘Why do I have them?’

How To Stop Your Catastrophic Thinking

How To Stop Your Catastrophic Thinking

Cognitive distortions are errors in thinking, which are generally irrational or exaggerated. These thoughts are not usually based on facts, but we believe them to be true. When we believe these distortions, we find ourselves having high levels of stress and anxiety, which also effects our overall self-esteem. Catastrophizing is one of those cognitive distortion (aka magnifying). It consists of the way we magnify things out of proportions, which causes us to think about terrible scenarios that we believe could happen.