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What is borderline personality disorder?

What is borderline personality disorder?

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental health disorder characterized by unstable moods, behavior, and relationships. It is marked by patterns of varying moods, self-image, and behavior. As a result of these patterns, someone who is diagnosed with BPD often engages in impulsive actions, which can lead to problematic relationships. They often experience intense episodes of anger, depression, and anxiety that lasts anywhere from a few hours to days.

Why Everyone Needs A Life Coach

Why Everyone Needs A Life Coach

A life coach could be the difference between and average life, and a life of your dreams.

How to Stop Jumping to Conclusions

How to Stop Jumping to Conclusions

When we jump to conclusions, we tend to draw negative conclusions without evidence. This usually happens in two ways: mind reading and fortune telling. Mind reading is when someone assumes that others have negative intentions. Fortune telling is when someone is predicting a negative future outcome before the event has occurred. Here are five ways that can help to stop you from jumping to conclusions.

Using Laughter As Medicine

Using Laughter As Medicine

Getting in a good laugh can make your whole day better! But, did you know that it can actually improve your health?

5 Feel Good Podcasts You Will Love

5 Feel Good Podcasts You Will Love

There are so many great podcasts out there today, so finding the right one to listen to can be tough. Never fear - we have you covered with 5 podcasts feel good podcasts you’ll love!

Perks of Online Therapy

Perks of Online Therapy

If you are curious about trying online therapy, there are some great advantages to consider!

Self-Care Explained

Self-Care Explained

Self-care is engaging in the activities that are required to gain or maintain an optimal level of overall health.

3 Tips To Get Rid Of Excessive Guilt

3 Tips To Get Rid Of Excessive Guilt

Guilt presents itself when we act in a manner that clashes with what our values are. It can be caused by something as simple as telling a lie, to something as serious as committing fraud.

Skills For Mindfulness Practice

Skills For Mindfulness Practice

"There are an infinite number of ways in which people suffer. Therefore, there must be an infinite number of ways in which Dharma is available to people," Kabat-Zinn J. Mindfulness for Beginners: Reclaiming the Present Moment-and Your Life.

What is Empathy and How Can We Develop It?

What is Empathy and How Can We Develop It?

Empathy is the ability to understand another person's feelings and see things from their point of view, rather than solely from your own. In order to understand what they are going through, you try to put yourself in their shoes. Empathy gives us the capacity to pick up on emotional signals through body language and facial expressions.

Can You Recover From A Mental Illness?

Can You Recover From A Mental Illness?

The public, generally understands mental illness less than physical illness. Most people know that obesity can be cured by closely monitoring your diet and getting more exercise, or that AIDS is chronic, but treatable. But when it comes to psychological health, sometimes it's difficult to grasp what we are dealing with.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month!

May is Mental Health Awareness Month!

Did you know that one in five Americans live with mental illness? Since 1949, May has been observed as Mental Health Awareness Month!