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Avoid These Foods If You Have Anxiety or Depression

Avoid These Foods If You Have Anxiety or Depression

Could it be possible that the food you’re eating could be making you feel worse, not better? If so, this is a great opportunity to use food as medicine and flip your diet around. Here are a few foods that you should definitely eliminate from your diet if you have depression or anxiety.

Natural Ways To Reduce Anxiety

Natural Ways To Reduce Anxiety

Everyone faces anxiety daily, but some of us live with more persistent symptoms. Anxiety is actually the most common mental health issue, reportedly affecting more than 18% of US adults. Natural remedies and lifestyle changes are a great way to remedy some of these symptoms, but they are never meant to replace or stop any treatments you are currently receiving. If you are already getting treatment, check with your doctor, psychiatrist, or therapist prior to implementing any changes.

How To Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

How To Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Have you always gotten really sad and down during the winter months and were never really sure why? If so, it’s possible that you may have SAD.

Lifestyle Tips for Managing Bipolar

Lifestyle Tips for Managing Bipolar

Bipolar Disorder is a mental health condition that causes extremely high points in mood and energy (mania) prefaced or followed by extremely low, depressive states (depression). These uncontrollable mood swings have a severe impact on the lives of those who live with the disorder. Here’s some tips to managing it.

8 Foods You Should Eat If You Have Depression

8 Foods You Should Eat If You Have Depression

The food we eat is directly tied to how we feel! That’s why eating the right foods should be an important part of your strategy to combat depression. Here are 8 foods you should add to your diet to help combat your symptoms.

Famous Psychologists & Their Achievements

Famous Psychologists & Their Achievements

Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context. Psychology had many early influencers, with each voice bringing a unique perspective to the field. The following psychologists played important roles in psychology’s history and made important contributions to the understanding of human behavior. 

What Are Cognitive Distortions?

What Are Cognitive Distortions?

A cognitive distortion is an exaggerated or irrational thought pattern. These distortions tend to lead to common psychological states, such as depression and anxiety. They are ways that people twist information they receive from the environment. These biases often reinforce negative thought patterns and are the focus of CBT - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

10 Ways To Cope With Loneliness In Retirement

10 Ways To Cope With Loneliness In Retirement

When you retire from working, you leave behind the pressure and stress that goes along with it! However, you also leave behind a whole lot of social contact and relationships. This can cause a level of loneliness that can be damaging to your physical and mental health. So how can you cope? Read this blog for some ideas.

Psychology Tricks For Nailing Your Next Interview

Psychology Tricks For Nailing Your Next Interview

To help you nail your next interview, we’ve summarized some of the top science-backed psychological tricks that you can use to make yourself more competent, likable, and ultimately the best candidate.

10 New Years Resolutions You May Not Have Considered

10 New Years Resolutions You May Not Have Considered

Some of the most common new years resolutions are goals like losing weight, or ditching a bad habit, but as you’re making your list you may want to consider some of these resolutions you may not have thought of!

Maintaining Your Mental Health While Working Remotely

Maintaining Your Mental Health While Working Remotely

Working from home or an offsite location is becoming much more popular in the workplace. In fact, up to 62% of workers currently work remotely either part or all of the time. While working remotely comes with many benefits, it can also be challenging on your mental health. Here’s how you can stay on track and keep your mind health while working remotely.

Physical Effects of Stress

Physical Effects of Stress

Stress is a natural response that your body has to any kind of demand or threat. When you sense danger, you would hope that your body reacts appropriately and kicks it into high gear. This automatic process is known as ‘fight or flight’, aka the ‘stress response’. This is meant to protect you, but when this response keeps firing daily, your health could be at serious risk.

Setting Professional Boundaries

Setting Professional Boundaries

It’s not always easy to say no in the work place, especially if you are usually the one to say yes. It becomes even harder as the work environment continues to become more competitive. Instead of looking at it from the perspective of just saying no, think about it as freeing up your time and gaining respect. The truth is, you do not have the resources or time to be doing everything, especially other people’s tasks.

The Effects of Stress

The Effects of Stress

Stress is defined as a state of mental or emotional strain resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. It is your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand. While stress is generally looked at negatively, it can also be a response to good experiences. When someone feels stressed by something, their bodies react by releasing chemicals into the blood.

How to Minimize Conflict This Holiday Season

How to Minimize Conflict This Holiday Season

Here are some ways you can handle conflicts and holiday stress this season!