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How To De-Escalate A Fight With Your Partner

How To De-Escalate A Fight With Your Partner

The best way to de-escalate an argument is to control your emotions. If you do that, there’s a good chance your partner will follow suit. To prevent things from getting out of control, try the following tips.

What Happens During The First Therapy Session?

What Happens During The First Therapy Session?

Are you considering trying therapy or preparing for your first therapy session? Here’s what to expect.

How To Keep Things Simple

How To Keep Things Simple

As humans, we tend to complicate things - it’s in our nature. But, there is something great about keeping things simple, even though it tends to be difficult. Keeping things simple can help to reduce your stress and keep you focused on the things that matter. Here are some tips on keeping things simple:

6 Ways To Make People Like You More

6 Ways To Make People Like You More

Here are 6 key principles you should be implementing in your life to make people like you more as seen in the famous book, “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.”

Loftus and Palmer Study Explained

Loftus and Palmer Study Explained

Loftus and Palmer set out to study how subsequent information can affect an eyewtinesses’s account of an event. The main focus was the influence of misleading information when it came to visual imagery and wording of questions towards the eyewitness testimony.

Little Albert Experiment Explained

Little Albert Experiment Explained

Watson conducted several experiments exploring emotional learning in children. One of his most famous experiments was the Little Albert experiment, which explored classical conditioning using a nine month-old baby boy.

Asch Conformity Experiment Explained

Asch Conformity Experiment Explained

Solomon Eliot Asch (1907-1996) was a Polish-American gestalt psychologist and pioneer in social psychology. He created pieces of work in impression formation, prestige suggestion, conformity, and many other topics in social psychology.

How To Be More Spiritual

How To Be More Spiritual

People tend to leave out the spiritual element of total wellness. This can be be due to the fact that it is the most personal or that it seems to be the most difficult to figure out. As human beings, we generally aim to live a life full of meaning and purpose. Spiritual wellness consists of one’s values, beliefs, and purpose. We can all use some help when it comes to improving our spirituality, so here are some tips:

Becoming More Resilient

Becoming More Resilient

Do you ever wonder why some people seem to be able to overcome obstacles and struggles more easily than others? That is because they may have more resilience. This is a trait that you are born with, but that can also be worked on and enhanced. Everyone can benefit on working on their resilience, so here are some tips:

6 Guidelines For Walking Away From An Argument

6 Guidelines For Walking Away From An Argument

It is common when fighting with someone you love to say things you later regret. This stems from our worst fears being brought out, whether it’s a fear being abandoned, betrayed, or unseen. When we fight with those we love, we often want to be heard and work through deep issues. Unfortunately, in the midst of fighting, resolutions don’t always come so easily. If you notice that you are becoming triggered, you should remove yourself from the situation. One of the best things you can do to prevent the fight from continuing is to allow one or both of you to take a short break. This works when there is a prior agreement and strategies in place. Here are some guidelines:

Five Quick Tips to Reduce Anxiety Before a Stressful Event

Five Quick Tips to Reduce Anxiety Before a Stressful Event

Like anything, managing your anxiety takes practice. Test out these skills when you have the time, so that when a stressful situation occurs, you have several tools at hand.

Supporting Your Partner With ADHD

Supporting Your Partner With ADHD

The key to learning to work together as a team is to remember that every healthy relationship involves give and take. Both individuals have to want to participate fully and find ways to support each other for a balanced, mutually fulfilling relationship. It will be worth it to set some time aside to discuss which tasks each of you are good at and which ones are challenging. If your spouse is stronger in an area that is difficult for you, maybe they can take over that responsibility. If you are both weak in a certain area, think about ways you can get outside help. Here are some tips you can utilize in your household to support your spouse with ADHD:

Piaget's Four Stages

Piaget's Four Stages

Jean Piaget was a Swiss developmental psychologist who studied children in the early 20th century. Many branches of education and psychology use his theory of intellectual or cognitive development (1936). It focuses on children, from birth to adolescence, and characterizes different stages of development, including: language, morals, memory, and reasoning.

How To Be Your Own Best Friend: 3 Quick Tips to Get Started

It’s often easy to support a close friend when they’re down, however we often struggle with providing the same kindness and support to ourselves.

Concrete Thinking

Concrete Thinking

Jean Piaget was a Swiss developmental psychologist who studied children in the early 20th century. Many branches of education and psychology use his theory of intellectual or cognitive development (1936). It focuses on children, from birth to adolescence and characterizes different stages of development, including: language, morals, memory, and reasoning.

ADHD And Relationships

ADHD And Relationships

It is common for misunderstandings, frustrations, and resentments to build up in relationships where one or both members of the couple have ADHD. This is the most likely when the symptoms of ADHD have never been properly diagnosed or treated. The upside is that building a healthier and happier partnership can always be worked on if turning these problems around is a priority. The more you learn about ADHD and the role it plays in your relationship, you can create more positive and productive ways to respond to challenges and communicate better.

Tips For Blending Families

Tips For Blending Families

It is difficult for most families to develop happy and healthy relationships, which is why it is even harder when attempting to blend two families. It can take years and a lot of work for stepfamilies to establish working and comfortable relationships. The hardest years and generally the first few, as there are unique challenges to the couple in getting to know each other, while also trying to nurture the children’s relationships with each other and the stepparents as well. Here are some tips on blending families:

How To Deal With The Post Travel Blues

How To Deal With The Post Travel Blues

If you notice that the travel blues is something you get when you return home, accept that it happens then prepare yourself for it.