Modern Therapy

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Sundays Don’t Have to be Scary

The phrase “Sunday scaries” is one that has been normalized and frequently used in our society to refer to the “fear” or anxiety that comes on a Sunday when anticipating the upcoming work week. Due to this, Sundays have slowly become less of a relaxing weekend day and have become replaced with feelings of worry, restlessness, and a sense of dread. While it is okay to begin to anticipate the upcoming work week, it becomes problematic when the “Sunday scaries” completely take control and ruin the day. Overall, it is possible to take back control of your Sunday and not make it so scary.

Start off by creating a healthy Sunday routine that fosters relaxation and enjoyment, this begins the moment you wake up in the morning. Take the time to set a positive intention for your Sunday, for example “today is still a weekend day, I deserve to enjoy this and live in the present moment”. By setting an intention, you are taking the time in the morning to commit to the process of enjoying the day.

Make sure you set the time to relax on Sunday. Oftentimes, chores or household tasks are pushed off until Sunday approaches. So now, not only are you worrying about the upcoming week, but you are also focused on what tasks you still must accomplish. It is helpful to spread out mandatory tasks and chores throughout both Saturday and Sunday so there is not an overarching feeling of responsibility throughout all of Sunday. This helps to create more free time and a sense of relaxation. In this newly created Sunday down time, be intentional in the actions you take. Incorporate time for your favorite television show, reading a book, taking a walk, or even spending time with a loved one. Taking the time to engage in enjoyable activities can help destress and increase your overall mood.

If you find it difficult to enjoy your downtime because you are faced with anxious thoughts related to the week, take the time to acknowledge these thoughts in a healthy manner. Some people find that taking a few moments to write down any worries or important tasks can be helpful in better organizing your thoughts and preparing for the week ahead. After taking the time to write these notes down, remind yourself that it is okay to go ahead and continue to relax.

As the day begins to wind down, it can be helpful to have a set Sunday night routine to help further destress prior to bed. Whether this routine includes reading a book, drinking tea, or journaling, it can be beneficial in creating a relaxing environment for when you go to sleep.

Another tip that could be helpful in preparing for your upcoming week and combating the “Sunday scaries” is by planning an enjoyable activity for Monday evening. Knowing that something pleasant is scheduled for your first day back at work can help in creating excitement for the upcoming week.

Need some more support in coping with the “Sunday scaries”? We’ve got you! Click here for further support as you get your week started.