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Three Quick and Fun Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem keeps us from living our best lives. So, how do we boost our self-esteem so we stop limiting ourselves? There are a few quick and easy exercises you can try to boost your self- esteem:

1. Create a “Positive Qualities Record”

Write down all the things that are good about you. Consider asking yourself questions like: - What are the positive characteristics about myself? - What are some skills or talents that I have? - What do I like about who I am? Look at the answers to these questions and make a list of the positive attributes you see (e.g. kind, responsible, considerate, determined, etc.) Then think of specific examples from the past where you demonstrated each of these positive qualities you wrote down. For each positive quality, list three examples of times you demonstrated those qualities. You might even consider journaling each day about experiences in the present where you have noticed those qualities popping up as well.

2. Change Your Thinking Habits

Often low self-esteem doesn’t come from a situation that occurs, but rather your interpretation of the situation. When something happens and we feel bad about ourselves, challenge the interpretation of what just took place and look for alternative thoughts. You might do this by asking questions like - What might another person’s perspective be? - Am I assuming I know what is going on in others’ minds? - What assumptions am I making? How you feel about yourself directly facilitates the development of your self-esteem. These feelings are reactions to the thoughts you have about the situations around you. Whenever you have a negative feeling about yourself, question the thoughts that led to the negative feeling and look for alternative thoughts by considering the questions above or similar ones.

3. Five Finger Exercise

This is a great exercise to boost your mood when feeling down. - Take a few deep breaths - Allow yourself to feel relaxed and calm - Touch your thumb to your index finger and think of a time when you felt loved and cared for. - Touch your thumb to your middle finger and think of a time when you felt successful. - Touch your thumb to your ring finger and recall a time when you did something important for someone else. - Touch your thumb to your pinky finger and consider a memory of loving someone else. Practice this exercise whenever you need a quick reminder of how to feel positive about yourself. Notice the boost in your self-esteem.

To work with a therapist who can help you boost your self-esteem, click here!