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What Is Anger Management?

Anger Management

Anger management is a therapeutic program for anger prevention and control. It consists of learning what causes your anger and finding healthy ways to express your feelings, without lashing out. Anger management is not about suppressing angry feelings, but learning how to productively use your emotions to convey your thoughts, needs, and feelings. Anger is a very normal emotion that we all feel. Once you learn how to express it appropriately, it should lessen the negative effects that anger has your life. You can learn anger management skills on your own by reading books or finding legitimate resources online, however, most people prefer to take anger management classes or work with a licensed therapist. For more information about anger management, click here.

Signs You May Need Anger Management

  • Constantly feeling that you have to hold in your anger

  • Persistent negative thinking and focusing on negative experiences

  • Constant feelings of irritation, impatience, and hostility

  • Frequent arguments with others that escalate frustrations

  • Physical violence, such as hitting your partner or children or starting fights

  • Threats of violence against people or property

  • Out-of-control or frightening behavior, such as breaking things or driving recklessly

  • Avoiding situations because of anxiety or depression about anger outbursts

Anger management classes or counseling

You can attend anger management classes or counseling either in a one on one or a group setting. Based on your needs, your counselor or program director will work with you to determine the setting, length of treatment, and number of sessions that are suggested.

Anger management counseling or classes will focus on learning coping skills that can replace angry outbursts. Counseling or classes should help teach you how to:

  • Manage situations that provoke anger

  • Identify potential situations that can set you off

  • Use coping skills

  • Recognize when you are using faulty thinking

  • Calm yourself down

  • Express yourself in a healthy, assertive way

  • Focus on problem solving skills

  • Effectively communicate