
“There are an infinite number of ways in which people suffer. Therefore, there must be an infinite number of ways in which Dharma is available to people,” Kabat-Zinn J. Mindfulness for Beginners: Reclaiming the Present Moment-and Your Life.

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), or clinical depression is a serious medical condition that can impact almost every area of your life. It is one of the most common mental disorders in the US with nearly 7% of Americans over age 18 experiencing an episode.

The public, generally understands mental illness less than physical illness. Most people know that obesity can be cured by closely monitoring your diet and getting more exercise, or that AIDS is chronic, but treatable. But when it comes to psychological health, sometimes it’s difficult to grasp what we are dealing with.

Growing old is not just a physical process, but also a mental one. The majority of the elderly population experiences stressful or traumatic life events and transitions, which is completely normal. However, these events can be difficult to navigate and can stir up deep seated emotions that can easily lead to depression if not handled correctly.

Through a combination of lifestyle changes, behavioral strategies and talk therapy, you can work towards treating your sleeping problem to maximize your mental wellbeing. 

Did you know that one in five Americans live with mental illness? Since 1949, May has been observed as Mental Health Awareness Month!

The truth is that no one can truly comfort a friend who just lost a loved one. The void left by death is too large to be filled by another, but simply being present, may be the best thing that you can do! Being present means being available, being open, and being receptive. However, these passive activities can seem a little ambiguous, especially when you’re emotionally preoccupied. Below are some ways that you can best help a friend that is grieving. 

Your pet becomes part of your family, which includes an intense love and bond. It is natural to feel a huge loss with feelings of grief and sadness when a pet passes away. This loss can be overwhelming and trigger painful and difficult emotions. You don’t need to feel guilty or ashamed about grieving for your loved animal. Once you acknowledge the pain of your loss, you can begin the process of moving forward.

Everyone experiences grief at one point or another. Learning how to cope with loss is vital to your mental health.