
Obsessive thoughts, whether good or bad, are exhausting. These tips can give your mind a break and shift your thoughts in a new direction. Distracting yourself and shifting your awareness away from obsessive thoughts can ease them.

Whether a marriage, new home, baby, first job, or beginning college, transitions are common and can lead to both positive and negative feelings. While transitions can be amazing, they can also cause feelings of uncertainty and instability. However as you focus on the future transitions can be smoother. Taking care of yourself and reaching out to supports can help you find your inner peace when managing any large transition.

With technology growing and changing constantly, it makes sense that tech has begun to tackle mental health. While we love therapy, how can mental health apps supplement your weekly therapeutic work? There are a variety of tools to use, at your disposal.

In the moment, it can feel much easier to avoid something that makes us stressed or uncomfortable, rather than tackling it head on. However, active coping that aims to address a problem head on, as a way to alleviate stress. Active coping can look like talking through problems to alleviate relationship stress, reframing a situation in order to view the positives of it, or budgeting to reduce financial stress amongst other ways of coping. No matter what active coping approach you take, the ongoing benefits lead to a happier and healthier sense of being.

Marsha Linehan highlights that pain cannot be avoided, it is part of life. Radical acceptance is a beneficial tool that leads us away from suffering to freedom and calmness, enabling us to make choices without negative emotions leading those choices.

These mindfulness tips can transform your life!

Here are some lifestyle tips that may be helpful for those who live with Bipolar.

Some tips on how to cope with chronic pain.

Is your lack of focus just regular inattentiveness or something a little bit more serious?

We often blame procrastination for not being able to get things done. However, our inability to complete things is often more of an underlying problem related to low self-esteem, fear of failure, difficulty setting goals, trouble creating a work-life balance, perfectionism or others. It’s important to uncover what the underlying concern is and address it in order to take action. Here are some tips to decrease procrastination and take action: