Consider taking these supplements if you want to keep your brain sharp and healthy.
Money can be a somewhat taboo topic, but it plays such a significant role in everyone’s lives. That’s why it’s so important for you to understand your relationship with money and how that relationship impacts your decisions.
Smartphones have made our lives much easier, however we know they have also greatly impacted our physical and mental well-being. Here are some suggestions on how you can use your cell phone in a healthier way.
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain
Whether you’re trying to close a large sale or negotiating what’s for dinner, there are tips and techniques we can all use to channel the power of persuasion.
Sometimes it can be intimidating to ask for help – even though it might be really needed. So, what’s the best way to go about asking? Try these tips next time you need help from a friend, family member, or stranger.
Most people who have experienced a breakup know how painful they can be, especially if you were not the one who decided to end things. Along with the feelings that already come with a breakup – sadness, loss of motivation, obsessive thoughts – we tend to make ourselves feel guilty, angry, or embarrassed by our feelings. You may think to yourself, ‘Why can’t I just get over this?’ or ‘If they ended the relationship, I shouldn’t want to be with them’. Unfortunately, our brains are not wired this way and your feelings are usually warranted. It may make you feel more validated to know that there are legitimate scientific reasons as to why breakups are so difficult.
The best way to de-escalate an argument is to control your emotions. If you do that, there’s a good chance your partner will follow suit. To prevent things from getting out of control, try the following tips.