Here are some ways you can handle conflicts and holiday stress this season!
Setting boundaries is one of the most important things we can do to better our mental health, but it always seems so hard! Although this does not come naturally to most, it is a skill that you can learn and build upon. Your time is valuable, which means you should be spending some of it on yourself. Self-care is something that therapists always push for, but it can seem impossible when every minute of your spare time is given to someone else. There are simple steps that will help you get started with boundary setting.
Those with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) tend to lose focus and frequently act impulsively. Although ADHD currently has no cure, natural treatments can be helpful in coping with the symptoms. Natural treatments include: supplements, essential oils, herbal medicines, and lifestyle changes.
Wish you were able to be more direct about your needs, wants, or feelings in a way that is respectful to others? The good news it that assertiveness is a skill that can be developed!
When we jump to conclusions, we tend to draw negative conclusions without evidence. This usually happens in two ways: mind reading and fortune telling. Mind reading is when someone assumes that others have negative intentions. Fortune telling is when someone is predicting a negative future outcome before the event has occurred. Here are five ways that can help to stop you from jumping to conclusions.
There are only so many hours in a day! It’s for that reason that we should strive to be more productive with how we use our time. Technology is a great tool that you can leverage to increase your productivity in both your professional and personal life. Here are 5 mobile apps that will help you stay focused and productive.