My approach to therapy is to truly find a way to connect with who is in front of me. I find that, regardless of what the main problem is, when someone feels that the person they are confiding in truly is engaged and hears them, that this allows them to tap into their vulnerabilities and allow real growth to occur.
Child/family, Gottman Method Couples Therapy Certified, Adolescent, Postpartum, Autism Spectrum DO
The best way I try to balance being empathetic, while also offering practical tools is by delivering the information in a non-authoritative way. I always try to take the approach that I am not here to tell people how to live their lives, which I feel allows me to act more as a guide to my clients. In being more of a guide, I feel that this allows me to provide insightful strategies that also leaves the client feeling validated and understood.
Outside of my role, I would describe myself as an outgoing, engaging, and fun person. I enjoy spending time with friend and family and connecting with those close to me.
As I get to know a client, I learn more about what they would truly benefit more from. Some tend to benefit more from psychoeducation, while others benefit more from establishing steps to take forward. It is my job as the therapist to figure out what is the best method for the client based on what they report needing the most help with.
A common myth I wish I could debunk is that therapy is that talking about certain areas will not make someone think that way (ie: talking about using drugs doesn’t make someone want to use drugs). I feel that this myth stops people from exploring certain areas of vulnerability that can help them grow and I would love to help debunk that myth for others.
I tend to offer the same tip to my clients as I give to myself. That is, to find time for themselves and to use that time as they see fit. Instead of trying to force something into existence, I encourage them to see what they feel, in the moment, would be the best use of the time that they have, depending on the context of the situation.
One thing I would like for clients to take away from my profile, is that I am someone that is very open minded and relatable. While we all have different life experiences, at the end of the day, we are all trying to navigate life in the best ways that we can, and I want potential clients to know that I understand that they are doing the best job that they can do.