In review of the last year, there were many stressors that could have made you feel sad, fearful, anxious, and depressed. However, as we move forward into 2021, we don’t want you to have to hold onto those feelings moving forward. As holiday stress and all the other stressors courtesy of 2020 begin to lessen, it’s time to look forward to the new year. If you’re managing symptoms of depression or anxiety in the new year, we’ve come up with a few new strategies for you to implement into your 2021 plan to help you start feeling better.
1. Focus On What You Can Control
Repeat to yourself, “I will focus on what I can control and let go of what I cannot.”. Depression and anxiety can impact your ability to focus on what you want to focus on. Both lead to focusing on the negatives, worrying about what others think of you, or wondering why you lost a job years ago. These negative thoughts can impact how you act. While we can’t go back in time and know the reason for losing that job, or mind read others, you can control how you respond to others as well as future job opportunities.
Particularly when experiencing depression, it may feel impossible to think or feel differently from those negative thoughts, however, setting a small goal in the new year is one step in alleviating those feelings. Just sitting down with a pencil and paper to write down a goal is making a positive change and allowing your thoughts to go in the direction you choose. You, not anxiety or depression, control your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
2. Choose Your Environment Based on Your Needs
Another great mantra for yourself in the new year is, “I will surround myself with positive people.”. Research has shown that toxic relationships can impact both mental and physical wellbeing. In one study, researchers followed 10,000 people for an average of 12.2 years and found those in negative relationships were at a greater risk for developing heart issues. For someone already battling depression, anxiety, or negative thoughts regularly, this combination would be extremely difficult to manage.
In 2021, give yourself permission to move away from those bringing you down, and focus on nurturing relationships that build you up. Notice how you feel when you interact with others. Do you feel fulfilled or emotionally drained? Do you feel better or worse about yourself? Depression can cause us to feel alone and negative relationships will reinforce these harmful beliefs. However, you get to choose who you surround yourself with and the presence around you.
3. Use Positive Affirmations
Focus on telling yourself, “I will say something positive about myself every day.”. A quick strategy to fight off negative thoughts from depression is through positive affirmations. Stating positive things about yourself, highlighting your strengths and talents, will build up your self-esteem that depressive thoughts often deplete in order to make positive, daily changes. Start with one positive affirmation per day and by the end of the year you’ll have 365 days of being kind to yourself and reminding yourself of how wonderful you are.
4. Seek Help When You Need It
Allow yourself to seek help when you need it by telling yourself, “I will ask for help when I need it.”. When managing symptoms of depression, we can feel weak or flawed. Depression often makes us feel asking for help is a sign of weakness, exacerbating the cycle of being powerless. However, we know this is not true, it takes strength to seek support. You are not alone and you have people who want to support you. Give yourself permission to reach out to family and friends. Whether this is for advice, comfort, or just as a fun distraction from negative thoughts. Don’t forget you are not a burden. You have others who care for you and you are worthy of help.
5. Consider Treatment.
Fight off depression with treatment and tell yourself, “I will leave no stone unturned.”. There are a variety of treatment options for depression with each new year advancing research and developing new methods of support. Seek support through clinical professionals who stay up to date on research in order to offer you the best treatment options to fit you, personally.
With each new day and new year, we can find hope. Depression seeks to make us question this, turning positive thoughts into negativity, however, your thoughts don’t have to remain this way. Finding ways to bring positive changes, and in turn, positive thoughts, into our daily lives can help to fight depression.
For additional support in managing symptoms of depression in 2021, click here.