Mornings & Mental Health: Starting Your Mornings Off with Routine

July 31, 2022

Are you the type of person who hits snooze on your alarm multiple times and then runs around the house quickly before jetting out the door? Or are you they type of person who wakes up already dreading the day, thinking of your “to-dos” and any potential negative scenario that may play out at work? Looking at those mornings, between the negative self-talk and the rushed chaos to get out the door, how do you feel during those moments? Now take this a step further, what does the rest of your day look like when there is no rhythm to your mornings?

The way you begin your morning can have a huge impact on the rest of your day, whether this be a positive or negative impact. The first moments of the day have a correlation to your productivity and your mood. Starting the day off on a positive note helps to set you up for success to conquer the day. This all begins with a morning routine that sets a positive tone. The following are some tips and ideas to begin using in your morning, now remember everyone is different so not all of these may apply or be feasible to you:

  • Have your alarm work for you instead of against you: When setting your alarm sometimes the thought of “I want to get as much sleep as possible” seems appealing; however, this may inhibit your ability to fully wake up and have the appropriate amount of time to complete any morning tasks or preparation. Find a time that allows you to be able to relax and complete everything without feeling rushed, whether this is waking up anywhere from 5-30 minutes earlier than you normally would. (You may need to go to sleep a little earlier if you intend on waking up at a different time).

  • Don’t go straight for your phone: A lot of people reach for their phones the second they wake up to scroll on social media, look at notifications, or to check the news. Before throwing your mind straight into consumption mode, allow yourself time to wake up and breathe in the new day. Take a few deep breaths in and out before doing anything else. This helps to calm the respiratory system and gives your mind a few moments to awaken.

  • Start with positive affirmations: Set the tone of the day with a positive mindset and attitude. Take time in the morning before getting out of bed to set good intentions and build your confidence. You can choose to speak the affirmations out loud or to write them down. Some examples would be: “Today will be a good day”, “I am smart, brave, and ready to conquer the day”, or “I am worthy and deserving of a good day”.

  • Get your body moving: Take time to walk around the house a little bit, stretch, or workout. Moving your body in the morning helps to have a productive wake up and increase your overall mood. This does not have to be a long bout of movement, but whatever feels right to you.

  • Eat a healthy meal: Oftentimes when you are rushing around the house in the morning breakfast is the last thought on your mind. However, the brain needs nutrition to function and work properly. Take time to eat a healthy meal even if this is on the go!

Finding the mornings, or other parts of your day difficult to work through? Click here for additional support.

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Mornings & Mental Health: Starting Your Mornings Off with Routine

The way you begin your morning can have a huge impact on the rest of your day, whether this be a positive or negative impact. The first moments of the day have a correlation to your productivity and your mood. Starting the day off on a positive note helps to set you up for success to conquer the day. This all begins with a morning routine that sets a positive tone.