Tips On Handling Coworkers You Don’t Like

July 5, 2018

While we wish that our work environment could always be perfect, realistically, that is rarely the case. Not getting along with a colleague can be both frustrating and non-productive. Here are some tips on keeping peace in your workplace.

1) Try to limit how often you gossip

Gossiping can feel good in the moment, but when word gets around the office, it can be detrimental to how you are viewed. Focus on the things you are most grateful for during your workday. By moving your attention to positive things, you can relieve stress and avoid the negativity trap.

2) Create a go to calm-down method

It is easy to respond to frustration at the workplace with anger. One way to avoid this response is to take a moment to calm yourself down, by whatever means works the best for you. This can be deep breathing, counting, or going for a short walk (even if just around the office). Allowing yourself time to clear your mind can help you objectively interact with your coworkers.

3) Be confident

It can be hard to keep calm when someone around the office has resorted to things, such as name calling or leaving you off of emails. The best thing you can do is to keep your confidence levels high and remember that your abilities at work are not reflective of your coworker’s behavior. You were hired to do your job because your company respects you and sees you as an expert in your field.

4) Check yourself

Take the time to assess your own feelings and think about ways you could possibly be adding to the issues in your coworking relationship. If you can admit to yourself the areas where you could be adding to the problem, it can shift your own thinking and help you take positive action to build a better relationship.

5) Get to know your coworker better

We tend to find the qualities we don’t like about someone when they get on our nerves, but we should always assume that people have great qualities, too. Maybe inviting your coworker to coffee or lunch in an attempt to get to know them better will help improve your view of them and your relationship overall.

6) Keep records

There is a difference between a coworker who is frustrating, versus someone who engages in career-threatening behavior. If your coworker is guilty of this, make sure you are compiling proof. Make a list of each instance where they acted in a hostile or threatening manner. Save messages and let Human Resources know if you ever feel threatened or unsafe at work.

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Tips On Handling Coworkers You Don’t Like

While we wish that our work environment could always be perfect, realistically, that is rarely the case. Not getting along with a colleague can be both frustrating and non-productive. Here are some tips on keeping peace in your workplace.