New Year New Goals: Setting New Years Goals on Your Own Terms

February 7, 2022

New Years resolutions are part of celebrating the new years for some people. Making a list of goals and a plan to start  on the 1st or the first Monday after the New Years is the usual norm. Rather than making a list of new goals this year,  how about trying a different way to contemplate your goals and having a way to gauge your goals?

 You can use the the following acronym from the Nurturing Parenting program ( S.P.I.C.E.S.– each letter of the acronym stands for an important aspect of your life. Think about each specific aspect for a few minutes and then rate it from 1-10, with 10 being that you feel highly satisfied with this area of your life.

  • S is for Social– consider how satisfied are you in this area. If your score is 6 or less, think about what changes you need to make to your social group and time management strategies to ensure you have time to socialize.

  • P is for physical– how satisfied are you with your overall feeling of health and energy? Do you need to make an appointment for an annual check up or start up that supplement regimen again?

  • I is for intelligence- do you like to, and make time for, reading a lot, taking classes, teaching an area that you are high skilled in, or making time to meet new people who can converse with you on similar intellectual topics?

  • C is for creativity– you don’t need to be painting, singing, or dancing if that’s not your interest, but something as simple as trying out a new weekly recipe based on a YouTube channel can still spark some creativity.

  • E is for emotional– how highly do you feel appreciated, validated or acknowledged. If you are seeking this too much from others, seek therapy to build your self esteem and self confidence in a safe, private environment.

  • S is spirituality– spirituality can be organized religion or being connected with nature, reading a spiritual book, listening to spiritual audio while practicing breathing exercises. It can be seen as a purpose you serve or a challenge you take on.

This exercise is helpful to do every 3 to 6 months or at least annually so you can gauge where you are in different areas if your life and then consider options you have to increase you satisfaction the concerned areas of your life.

Re-evaluating areas of your life based on your S.P.I.C.E.S. score? Click here for additional support as you weigh your values and future goals.

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New Year New Goals: Setting New Years Goals on Your Own Terms

New Years resolutions are part of celebrating the new years for some people. Making a list of goals and a plan to start on the 1st or the first Monday after the New Years is the usual norm. Rather than making a list of new goals this year, how about trying a different way to contemplate your goals and having a way to gauge your goals?