How To Care For Your Mental Health While Unemployed

August 22, 2019


Make A Daily Task List

Actionable lists help keep you on track. This list should have set goals that you can hold yourself accountable towards achieving such as sending in a certain amount of applications, or contacting a certain number of recruiters. Working hard towards achieving your goals is one of the best things you can do to keep your spirits up.

Dedicate Time to Things You Enjoy

Outside of the time you spend searching for a new job, make sure you’re doing activities that will keep you emotionally fulfilled. As long as your priority is figuring out and securing your next steps, it’s not a bad idea to enjoy your new found free time. You may as well enjoy it while you can before you find a new position.

Seek Support

Most importantly, get support. That support could come from family, a close friend, or a therapist. Regardless of where the support comes from, it’s healthy to have someone you can lean on if things get difficult.

Remember Everything Will Work Out

When you’re unemployed it can be easy to feel defeated, but you’re not alone. Keep in mind that many many people have been in your situation and have come out the other side successfully. In the end, everything will work out, so have a little faith and keep plugging along! Whenever one door closes, it’s usually so a better one can open.

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How To Care For Your Mental Health While Unemployed

Being unemployed can be tough. Here are a few suggestions that can keep you mentally healthy while you ride out the job search.