A Seven-Step Process for Increasing Your Productivity by 1000%

January 23, 2020

Brian Tracy is a motivational speaker that has posed a 7-step formula for increasing your productivity by 1000%. Tracy’s formula is based on incremental improvements. The idea is to increase productivity, performance and output by a small amount such as 0.1% or 1% each day. Just being a tiny bit more efficient each day seems quite reasonable when considering this could lead to major improvements. Consider this, if you were to become 0.1% more productive each day, by the end of the week you’ll be 0.5% more productive and at the end of the month you’ll be 2% more productive. At the end of a year, if multiplying this, you could be 26% more productive in total. Over ten years, Tracy says this would multiply to be an increase of productivity by 1004%. As productivity increases, you become more efficient, which can lead to increases at work and in other areas you are working to improve. So what are these steps to this astounding increase in productivity? Take a look below:




Step 1: Get Up Earlier

Get up an hour earlier each morning and focus on yourself. Do something you enjoy as you prep for the day ahead.

Step 2: Plan Your Day In Advance

At the end of your workday, or before bed, make a list of all the tasks you need to achieve the next day. By planning your day in advance you ensure that each day you work on tasks that will move you closer to achieving your goals. Planning your day, the day prior, allows you to focus on what tasks need to get done and how you’ll achieve them.

Step 3: Prioritize

Once you’ve made your list of tasks for the next day, prioritize. By prioritizing, even if you have some tasks left undone at the end of the day, you can feel more relaxed knowing you’ve completed the main tasks you wanted to.

Step 4: Focus

Once you’ve identified the most important tasks for the day, make sure you work on those before doing anything else. Focus on that task fully and devote your attention to it. By completing tasks in order of importance you’ll feel more accomplished.

Step 5: Take Time for Education

Tracy recommends focusing on educational materials during driving times. Research has found that if you listen to educational programs as you drive, you get similar benefits to taking college courses. Choose programs that will help enhance skills you’d like to work on.

Step 6: Review Your Experiences and Identify Lessons

As you go through your day, review each experience by asking yourself what you did right and what you could have done differently. After each experience throughout the day, write down all the things you did well; then ask yourself what you could have done differently if faced with a similar situation or experience. Write down all the things you might have done differently – not what you may have done wrong – focus on the lessons learned.

Step 7: Treat Everyone Like a “Million-Dollar Customer”

Tracy highlights you must treat everyone like you would treat yourself (reminiscent of the “The Golden Rule”). Treat them like a million-dollar customer – the better you treat others the more they will want to be around you. You’ll also feel good in giving off so much positivity.

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A Seven-Step Process for Increasing Your Productivity by 1000%

Brian Tracy is a motivational speaker that has posed a 7-step formula for increasing your productivity by 1000%. Tracy’s formula is based on incremental improvements. The idea is to increase productivity, performance and output by a small amount such as 0.1% or 1% each day.