In the moment, it can feel much easier to avoid something that makes us stressed or uncomfortable, rather than tackling it head on. However, active coping that aims to address a problem head on, as a way to alleviate stress. Active coping can look like talking through problems to alleviate relationship stress, reframing a situation in order to view the positives of it, or budgeting to reduce financial stress amongst other ways of coping. No matter what active coping approach you take, the ongoing benefits lead to a happier and healthier sense of being.
Marsha Linehan highlights that pain cannot be avoided, it is part of life. Radical acceptance is a beneficial tool that leads us away from suffering to freedom and calmness, enabling us to make choices without negative emotions leading those choices.
These mindfulness tips can transform your life!
Brian Tracy is a motivational speaker that has posed a 7-step formula for increasing your productivity by 1000%. Tracy’s formula is based on incremental improvements. The idea is to increase productivity, performance and output by a small amount such as 0.1% or 1% each day.
In an age where social media is part of our daily lives in almost every capacity, one must wonder the effects it has on our minds, both the unconscious and conscious parts.
The holidays are full of long hours of travel, running from location to location for social gatherings, schmoozing with relatives you rarely see, last-minute shopping and frantically searching for the final ingredient for your signature dish. There is a real pressure to perform during the holidays and create these “Hallmark” moments to remember forever.