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losing things and adhd

ADHD: Understanding Symptom Differences Amongst Females

ADHD: Understanding Symptom Differences Amongst Females

We all know the classic symptoms of ADHD. We understand that it can be hard for someone to focus and concentrate on their work. They may be more hyperactive, impulsive, and distractible. It is easier to identify ADHD in males earlier in life because they struggle to sit still, talk a lot in class, and struggle to follow along with the class. This does not help women who may not be as easy to recognize ADHD symptoms and they can go a long time without receiving the help they could truly benefit from. If you go to receive help because you wonder why your mind races, it is  hard to initiate work, and stay focused, it can be misidentified as anxiety or depression. Did you know what anxiety and depression can be a secondary reaction experience to a primary ADHD diagnosis?