Consent Preferences


How to Make Overthinking an After-thought

How to Make Overthinking an After-thought

Overthinking is a common struggle that can lead to increased anxiety, stress, and negative emotions. Most thoughts and feelings are very temporary.  However, it is the chain of thoughts and emotions we may engage in that causes these undesired feelings to outstay their welcome.  If you struggle with overthinking, you are not alone; there are several strategies you can use to reduce or eliminate habits of overthinking and improve your mental well-being.

Self-Soothing vs. Self-Care: Strategies for Reducing Stress

Self-Soothing vs. Self-Care: Strategies for Reducing Stress

Stress can occur any day, throughout the day. We all want to be our best selves regularly whether this is in work or our personal lives. Self-care practices can help us ensure we are on our A-game however there are times where we may not be able to get those practices in. There are times where we have so much stress that our bodies and minds shift to survival mode. In these times it is important to have self-soothing, survival skills to get through stressful events, distressing periods, and move forward.