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stress reduction

Managing Stress for Working Mothers

Managing Stress for Working Mothers

Working mothers juggle many responsibilities and play many roles to maintain the stability and happiness of their families. From the basics such as groceries, paying bills, maintaining a home, to of course dedicating time to raising strong, healthy, children, to having a successful career can be demanding and stressful. Read on for some strategies to manage the stress of balancing work and parenting responsibilities.

Stress Management: Keys To Coping With Stress

Stress Management: Keys To Coping With Stress

One of the best ways to start managing stress is to focus on your daily habits and routines. Do you have the so-called “basics” covered? You have heard and maybe even read about them before: exercising, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, and so on. But have you evaluated how well you do each of these well-being habits and even if you are doing them consistently? Consistency is the key to building and maintaining healthy habits.

The Calm During the Storm: Coping Strategies to Weather Any Storm

The Calm During the Storm: Coping Strategies to Weather Any Storm

As the pandemic has raged on, various communities have experienced struggles in our country and others, political tension has risen, and other nations have experienced hardships, the uncertainty and unpredictability of things can lead to feeling many symptoms of anxiety.

While many have established strategies to cope with some of the above factors, like wearing masks, the emotional toll these events have taken on us is large. The way we handle the difficult emotions that have developed as a result of this time period is important, as they can continue to negatively impact ourselves and others.

Managing Your Mental Health During the Holidays

Managing Your Mental Health During the Holidays

While the holidays may bring up thoughts of spending time with friends, delicious food, and other festivities, for others the holidays can bring up feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. This year, these feelings may be stronger with many unable to see family and friends. If you’re experiencing stress during this holiday season, below are some coping strategies to manage increased levels of stress, anxiety, and sadness.

Adopting an Attitude of Gratitude: Giving Thanks During Tough Times

Adopting an Attitude of Gratitude: Giving Thanks During Tough Times

As the holidays approach, many struggle with difficulties that can make it a challenge to feel grateful and maintain a positive outlook. However, having a positive outlook has been linked to better ability to problem solve, and overall greater emotional wellness. So why be grateful at all? Well, gratitude enables you to see your life in a larger context beyond immediate problems. Gratitude expands your life experiences and counteracts ego-centered preoccupations with losses, fears, and wants. If you are only grateful when good things happen, it reinforces your ego’s demand for good things, leading to greater disappointment when things do not turn out the way you had hoped.

Four Easy, Mindfulness Techniques to Use Throughout the Holiday Season

Four Easy, Mindfulness Techniques to Use Throughout the Holiday Season

With the holiday season approaching, as stress and anxiety heighten, it can be helpful to develop more coping strategies to get through particularly difficult moments throughout your day. Mindfulness meditation can be an extremely helpful technique to reduce your stress and anxiety.However, you can engage in these practices even without any formal meditation throughout your day. Below are a few ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life allowing you to feel more focused, calm, and at peace.

Mindfulness & Stress Reduction (At Work)

Mindfulness & Stress Reduction (At Work)

Caring for your mental health is as important as caring for your physical health however emotional well-being is often overlooked in the workplace. It’s a challenge to manage work-related stress while also taking care of oneself. Mindfulness is one way to prioritize our mental health while reducing work-related stress.

Self-Soothing vs. Self-Care: Strategies for Reducing Stress

Self-Soothing vs. Self-Care: Strategies for Reducing Stress

Stress can occur any day, throughout the day. We all want to be our best selves regularly whether this is in work or our personal lives. Self-care practices can help us ensure we are on our A-game however there are times where we may not be able to get those practices in. There are times where we have so much stress that our bodies and minds shift to survival mode. In these times it is important to have self-soothing, survival skills to get through stressful events, distressing periods, and move forward.

Ch-Ch-Ch Changes: How Big Life Transitions Impact Your Mental Health

Ch-Ch-Ch Changes: How Big Life Transitions Impact Your Mental Health

Whether a marriage, new home, baby, first job, or beginning college, transitions are common and can lead to both positive and negative feelings. While transitions can be amazing, they can also cause feelings of uncertainty and instability. However as you focus on the future transitions can be smoother. Taking care of yourself and reaching out to supports can help you find your inner peace when managing any large transition.