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holiday stress

It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like The Holiday Season: Coping with Stress Around the Holidays

It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like The Holiday Season: Coping with Stress Around the Holidays

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or don’t celebrate any holiday at all, this time of year can be particularly not the jolliest time for some. In fact, the celebrations, the get-to-togethers, the gifts, or realizing that your family are not people you look forward to seeing can be difficult to admit. Perhaps you do not have any close friends or family and this time of year is a glaring reflection of that. This is a typically stressful time for most people whether you have excitement and parties to look forward to or not. The logistics of planning something, financially making the season work for you, the pressure to get the holiday cards out, bake the cookies, buy the food, clean the house, put up the decorations, and deal with the family drama that may ensue from hosting the holiday this year can be especially draining. If you are someone who does not celebrate at all, or being around your family is a trigger, this can be a vulnerable time for you. The seasons are changing, it's getting darker earlier, and it can be a bitter fight to stay sober, not relapse with substance use, eating disorders, or general mental health.

Healthy and Happy Holidays: Setting Healthy Boundaries During the Holiday Season

Healthy and Happy Holidays: Setting Healthy Boundaries During the Holiday Season

As the holiday season approaches, there is often talk of it being “the most wonderful time of the year” with increased emphasis on joy and celebration. However, the topic of stress and/or increased sadness related to holiday functions are often overlooked. Whether it may be feeling increased pressure, toxic family dynamics, financial difficulties, or any other concern; the holidays can negatively impact our own mental health if we are not taking care of ourselves. In gearing up for the holidays, it is important to develop and be aware of our own personal, healthy boundaries.

Looking out for Signs of Holiday Depression & Anxiety

Looking out for Signs of Holiday Depression & Anxiety

While the holidays can be stressful for everyone, those dealing with depression and anxiety can struggle that much more. About 1 in 5 adults will suffer from mental illness each year and the holidays can create more stress, that triggers or exacerbates those mental health conditions. One of the best ways to alleviate stress is to engage in effective self-care such as eating balanced meals, getting enough sleep, and making sure you have enough downtime.

Finding Holiday Cheer in the Midst of Holiday Stress

Finding Holiday Cheer in the Midst of Holiday Stress

As the weather is getting colder and the holidays are approaching, more to-dos, deadlines, and social pressures may arise. However, there are many ways to take care of your emotional wellbeing during the holiday season. Did you know, the winter sun in Norway doesn’t rise above the horizon, the days are short and dimly lit. So the Norwegians take the opportunity to create koselig, or a cozy way of living. This tradition means getting under a blanket with a cup of tea and enjoying your time with family and friends peacefully. And koselig must be working as Norwegians have astonishingly low rates of seasonal affective disorder and depression rates during the winter.

Managing Your Mental Health During the Holidays

Managing Your Mental Health During the Holidays

While the holidays may bring up thoughts of spending time with friends, delicious food, and other festivities, for others the holidays can bring up feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. This year, these feelings may be stronger with many unable to see family and friends. If you’re experiencing stress during this holiday season, below are some coping strategies to manage increased levels of stress, anxiety, and sadness.

Dealing with the Holiday Have-Tos

Dealing with the Holiday Have-Tos

As we end Halloween and approach Thanksgiving, thoughts of other winter holidays also begin to come up. Planning for all of these holidays and events can bring about panic, anxiety, stress, and a feeling of all the things we “have to” do. These “have to’s” such as cooking, decorating, buying gifts, getting together with others, etc. are the “have to’s” many of us face throughout the holiday season. With so many things to do, these “have to’s” can take a toll on our well-being. But do we really have to do all of these “have to’s”? Not necessarily. There are ways to make sure you find a balance between what you want to do, and what you have to do this holiday season.

Thoughts on Thanksgiving: Tips and Tricks to Cope with Thanksgiving Stress

Thoughts on Thanksgiving: Tips and Tricks to Cope with Thanksgiving Stress

Often we may feel we have to brave through stress and worry, and that this is the only way to tackle the holiday: by grinning and bearing it. While this may seem like the best option in the short-term, when you add up the holidays each year and multiple by the many years you may manage holiday stress, this can seem overwhelming. The holidays are not a mental health sprint, but a marathon thus why not strategize on how to make the most of the holidays. Read below for some tips and tricks to manage stress during the holiday season.

11 Autumn Self-Care Activities for People who Struggle with Self-Care

11 Autumn Self-Care Activities for People who Struggle with Self-Care

As autumn approaches, the colder weather, shorter days, and busier schedules leave us feeling as though we have less time to accomplish what we want. Additionally, the holidays come closer with the many tasks to prepare as well. Stress comes with the changes the fall brings; it is a natural part of life to experience stress, however we can engage in activities to relieve that to some extent. Self-care can help us reduce the effects stress may have on ourselves. Without self-care, stress builds leaving us overwhelmed, fatigued, down, and physically sick. Self-care is any activity that is healthy and supports emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.

Challenges of the Holiday Season: Common Struggles and How to Manage

Challenges of the Holiday Season: Common Struggles and How to Manage

There are those experiencing marginalization/discrimination, racism, inequality, homelessness, mental illness, poverty and other challenges that continue through the holidays. Even if you don’t find yourself falling into one of these categories, everyone has their own stressors to contend with.

How to Minimize Conflict This Holiday Season

How to Minimize Conflict This Holiday Season

Here are some ways you can handle conflicts and holiday stress this season!