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Tips for Blending Families

Tips for Blending Families

Blending two families can be a complex and challenging process.  With some basic skills and commitment to ideas like being patient, having open communication, and a willingness to compromise, it is possible to create a harmonious and fulfilling family dynamic. Here are a few tips to keep in mind if you are in the process of blending two families:

Supporting Others: Strategies to Provide Emotional Validation

Supporting Others: Strategies to Provide Emotional Validation

When a loved one is struggling with mental health or life difficulties, and they come to you for support it can be hard to know how to navigate the conversation or how to respond. Sometimes, it is instinctual to jump into “fix it” mode with advice or to become overly positive. While this can be helpful at times, it can also be a strength to provide validation or to be a comforting presence. Providing validation does not mean that you necessarily agree with this person, rather it is taking the time to learn about the emotions, show respect, and express acceptance. The following are some helpful tips for providing support and emotional validation for a loved one.

Therapy During A Pandemic: Benefits of Engaging in Virtual Therapy

Therapy During A Pandemic: Benefits of Engaging in Virtual Therapy

With the pandemic forcing many of us to stay inside as much as possible, most therapists are meeting their clients virtually at present, in order to protect others and remain safe. While there has been an adjustment to navigating virtual therapy, there have been many benefits to being able to transition to more virtual opportunities for therapy.

Looking out for Signs of Holiday Depression & Anxiety

Looking out for Signs of Holiday Depression & Anxiety

While the holidays can be stressful for everyone, those dealing with depression and anxiety can struggle that much more. About 1 in 5 adults will suffer from mental illness each year and the holidays can create more stress, that triggers or exacerbates those mental health conditions. One of the best ways to alleviate stress is to engage in effective self-care such as eating balanced meals, getting enough sleep, and making sure you have enough downtime.

Mental Health Resources for Black Individuals During This Time

Mental Health Resources for Black Individuals During This Time

It is crucial during this time to create healthy boundaries and engage in self-care. This looks different for all whether this be dancing, crafts, cooking, gardening, spiritual or religious practices, and many others. Limiting social media and news activity may be helpful in engaging in self-care, as well as breathing exercises and other mindful techniques to reduce anxiety and process difficult feelings. Self-care is crucial during this time, here are a few resources from the NAMI list of health resources for the black community.

How to Help a Grieving Friend

How to Help a Grieving Friend

The truth is that no one can truly comfort a friend who just lost a loved one. The void left by death is too large to be filled by another, but simply being present, may be the best thing that you can do! Being present means being available, being open, and being receptive. However, these passive activities can seem a little ambiguous, especially when you're emotionally preoccupied. Below are some ways that you can best help a friend that is grieving.