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coping with depression

Coping Strategies: What To Do About “Overthinking”

Coping Strategies: What To Do About “Overthinking”

Part of some people’s mental health challenges, especially if they struggle with anxiety and/or depression, is an experience referred to sometimes as “overthinking”. Many people struggle with long strings of thoughts about one or many topics that end up effecting their daily lives. Overthinking can make you late for appointments, generate unreasonable anxieties against your own goals, or put a halt in your basic motivation which is sometimes casually referred to as “analysis paralysis”. These habits can chronically effect someone’s quality of life, but they are still just habits. As habits, they can be broken, and new habits built up in their place.

Summer Blues: Tips and Tricks for Coping with Summer Depression

Summer Blues: Tips and Tricks for Coping with Summer Depression

Summer has its expectations to be fun and relaxing, but if you are struggling with summer depression, it isn’t. For some people, there is a biological cause. For others, the stressors of summer can pile up and affect their mood. What makes it more difficult is that you feel like you’re supposed to have a great time. This blog can help you to make your summer easier and more enjoyable.

CBT-based Strategies for Managing Depression

CBT-based Strategies for Managing Depression

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) involves using your Thoughts to help manage your Emotions which in turn affect the way you either impulsively react or appropriately respond to a crisis or any situation. This is considered a CBT triangle- Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions. Depression may be described as feelings of "emptiness", "hopelessness", or "sadness". There are many different experiences of depression as there is uniqueness in people. Be aware of the following symptoms of Depression. Depression can show up as bodily and physical symptoms ( aches and pains that don't respond to traditional medical treatments); exhaustion; overeating or having 5 percent weight loss without intending to do so; excessive sleeping or unable to sleep enough; feeling more fidgety. Psychological symptoms include feelings of hopelessness and emptiness, maybe even anxiety. Suicidal ideations are not unusual. Social symptoms involve loss of interest in usual activities and avoiding others.

G.R.A.P.E.S. for Depression: When Life Gives You Lemons, Make G.R.A.P.E.S.

G.R.A.P.E.S. for Depression: When Life Gives You Lemons, Make G.R.A.P.E.S.

Grapes are nutritious and delicious, however we are referring to the acronym G.R.A.P.E.S. commonly used to address and combat depression. Symptoms of depression often include having feelings of sadness, even hopelessness, and lack of motivation. During times of depression, it can be helpful to follow these guidelines with the help of the following acronym, and to practice these regularly to reduce the possibility of experiencing depressive symptoms.

Let's Get Physical?: The Challenge of Movement During Periods of Depression

Let's Get Physical?: The Challenge of Movement During Periods of Depression

Depression is one of the most commonly reported mental health challenges. The need for coping skills to help manage depressive spikes, as well as chronic depression, remains important whether you are in treatment for depression or not. There are many skills that can help battle depression that use multiple methods. However, depression is also one of the most debilitating mental health challenges, as it is effective at significantly reducing motivation across many areas of life. This can include activities and/or hobbies that you once enjoyed and took pride in. This lack of motivation can also lead to a feeling of helplessness when you have the opportunity to use coping skills and other interventions. Many strategies for this include using behavioral change to help facilitate mood and thought changes. Others use cognitive approaches to help build a more factual perception of one’s self and the world. Whether you seek out supportive relationships, get back into jogging again, or reflect on the steps needed to go back to school and get that degree you want, all of these steps require a version of movement. Depression is easily reinforced by stagnation therefore movement is one of the strongest tools in your toolbox.

G.L.A.D. Technique: An Engaging and Effective Grounding Skill for Depression and Anxiety.

G.L.A.D. Technique: An Engaging and Effective Grounding Skill for Depression and Anxiety.

When one is feeling depressed and anxious, the G.L.A.D. technique is a grounding skill one can use to be more mindful in the moment and to experience positive distraction until strong negative emotions pass, as to reduce the possibility of impulsive reactions as impulsive reactions may not be an effective response in the moment. Try this practice out daily in order to notice positive shifts daily.

Exercise & Depression: Let’s Get Physiological, Psychological

Exercise & Depression: Let’s Get Physiological, Psychological

Most of us are familiar with the groans that accompany waking up for that 6 AM workout or hustling to get in some cardio on a lunch break. Not necessarily the rush (of endorphins) we’re seeking, right? Nevertheless, we all know that exercise is beneficial towards physical and emotional well-being, and the research backs it up. Mammen and Faulkner (2013) found that there is a relationship between consistently exercising and overall improvements in mental health functioning. They discussed that when you exercise, the neurotransmitters released boost your mood. So, even when feeling down, a workout can help lift you up!

Dealing with Depression Amongst Winter: Managing Feelings of Gloom During Gloomy Months

Dealing with Depression Amongst Winter: Managing Feelings of Gloom During Gloomy Months

As the holidays end and the winter begins to ramp up, symptoms of depression can heighten as well. Living with mental illness can feel isolating and lonely, especially when negative thoughts creep into our heads telling us these things. This is why it is crucial to connect with others, especially during the winter months when symptoms are known to worsen.

5 New Year's Resolutions for Managing Depression

5 New Year's Resolutions for Managing Depression

As holiday stress and all the other stressors courtesy of 2020 begin to lessen, it’s time to look forward into the new year. If you’re managing symptoms of depression or anxiety in the new year, we’ve come up with a few new strategies for you to implement into your 2021 plan to help you start feeling better.

Looking out for Signs of Holiday Depression & Anxiety

Looking out for Signs of Holiday Depression & Anxiety

While the holidays can be stressful for everyone, those dealing with depression and anxiety can struggle that much more. About 1 in 5 adults will suffer from mental illness each year and the holidays can create more stress, that triggers or exacerbates those mental health conditions. One of the best ways to alleviate stress is to engage in effective self-care such as eating balanced meals, getting enough sleep, and making sure you have enough downtime.