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dbt skills

DBT Skills: Understanding The Sacred Self

DBT Skills: Understanding The Sacred Self

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, or DBT, is a model of therapy that emphasizes skills-based interventions to help develop coping strategies and effectively manage moods. Sacred Self is one of the skills taught through DBT.  This skill is a powerful tool for mindfulness, self-validation, and self-love.  As we break down this skill, please try and envision what this would look like in your life.

Building Insight: Pros and Cons

Building Insight: Pros and Cons

One of the things that distress people struggling with mental health challenges like anxiety and depression is the inability to make a decision or sometimes feeling like they do not know what it is they want in a given situation. This can cause much distress and make undesirable situations even more difficult. There are many insight-building strategies that help people clarify what is important to them and what choices they want to make. In this blog, we will be going over one of those strategies in the form of a four-square pros and cons exercise. This is inspired by that from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy but includes a few differences. This exercise is designed to help you access your wisdom regarding a particular choice. Please keep in mind that when using this exercise, each time it is used it is used for the positive statement of a choice, and then the negative statement of the choice. For example, this tool would be done with statements such as “attending my friend’s birthday party” and “not attending my friend’s birthday party” instead of 2 different statements such as “Attending my friend’s birthday party” and “Going to the mall”. Now, let’s review more about how this exercise is used.

Using an Imagined Force Field to Reduce Conflict in Your Relationship

Using an Imagined Force Field to Reduce Conflict in Your Relationship

There are many ways that people strive to conceptualize their relationships and that of others around them. It is hard to apply a framework to something so complex, so what is being offered in this blog post is not a full framework but rather a device to use to help side-step being defensive, reduce co-dependency, and increase your commitment to your personal values while in the context of a relationship.

Understanding The Feeling Of Acceptance

Understanding The Feeling Of Acceptance

When one hears the word acceptance, it can bring up different definitions in different people. For example, many think that the term acceptance means viewing something as okay or that you are actively allowing it to be. This definition may be fitting for communicating these ideas but in the context of therapy, the term acceptance is used differently. In Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, acceptance is a large part of the process of change and is a difficult skill to master. In this context acceptance (sometimes used in the term Radical Acceptance) can be the most powerful tool in building your mental health throughout your life.

DBT- Based Strategies to Manage Anxiety

DBT- Based Strategies to Manage Anxiety

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is seeing both sides or in shades of grey in a situation rather than from an all-or-nothing perspective. One of the bases of DBT is using positive distraction strategies. The following are some ideas to manage Anxiety with positive distraction to get your mind focused on something other than what is bothering you.

I.M.P.R.O.V.E.: A DBT-based Skill for Emotion Regulation

I.M.P.R.O.V.E.: A DBT-based Skill for Emotion Regulation

Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is based on a dialectical module which helps one to find the middle path or gray thinking with cognition and behaviors. When you think in a "all or nothing" way, you take on unnecessary stress and tension in life. DBT helps you think in terms of "all or at least something".

G.L.A.D. Technique: An Engaging and Effective Grounding Skill for Depression and Anxiety.

G.L.A.D. Technique: An Engaging and Effective Grounding Skill for Depression and Anxiety.

When one is feeling depressed and anxious, the G.L.A.D. technique is a grounding skill one can use to be more mindful in the moment and to experience positive distraction until strong negative emotions pass, as to reduce the possibility of impulsive reactions as impulsive reactions may not be an effective response in the moment. Try this practice out daily in order to notice positive shifts daily.