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coping strategies

Coping With Difficult Emotions

Coping With Difficult Emotions

Coping skills are a set of behaviors or actions that have positive benefits to one’s mental health. They can be used in situations to help alleviate any difficult emotions (ie: anger, sadness, anxiety, etc.) or they can be used daily to assist in maintaining a positive mood.


The unique thing about coping skills is that they are different for everyone! Where one skill may be helpful for you, it may be something that does not work for someone else. It may take trial and error of varied coping skills to see what is unique to helping you. Try out different hobbies or interests to see if they are helpful in alleviating those difficult emotions, commonly these hobbies/interests can also work as coping skills. Additionally, try out coping skills that you may be skeptical about because they could surprise you in a positive way. As time goes on and you begin to learn more about yourself, it can become easier to recognize the coping skills that help you to manage these difficult emotions best.

When It Comes To Coping Skills, Perception Matters

When It Comes To Coping Skills, Perception Matters

As therapists, an important part of what we provide to our clients is coaching and education on coping skills. This term is used a lot to describe a growing set of cognitive, behavioral, and/or emotional tools that allow for mood management and overall increasing quality of life by building new habits and responses to one’s environment. When people hear the term coping skills they may envision someone taking slow deep breaths or going for a walk outside. These are examples of fantastic skills to use and regularly help many people. However, some people, including some of those who seek therapeutic services, can perceive the idea of coping skills as a waste of time or “not real therapy”. These are sometimes folks who struggle with buying into their own influence over their daily lives or simply struggle profoundly with motivation. No matter what the reason, if one sees new and effective ways of coping with daily life stressors as valuable, then this can make treatment very difficult.

Navigating Friendship Breakups

Navigating Friendship Breakups

As a society, there are often conversations that occur about the breakups and endings of romantic relationships; however, it seems that there are very little conversations about the ending or “breakup” of friendships. In a romantic relationship there is typically a conversation and formal ending, which provides some sort of closure and explanation. Whereas friendship “breakups” don’t always have the same sentiment, phone calls and texts become fewer and further between, and soon the only updates you really know about their lives are on social media. These friendship “breakups” cause unanswered questions along with some confusion as to how to grieve this ending. Society and pop culture display the grieving of a romantic relationship ending, but the friendship breakups seem to be less displayed or discussed. On the flip side, due to the lack of conversation about friendship breakups, it can cause individuals to feel an obligation to maintain friendships in life that no longer serve any positive purpose. The friendship can continue to go on, despite feelings of being hurt, because “breaking up” with a friend can be seem unorthodox.

Taking Time for a Mental Health Check-In

Taking Time for a Mental Health Check-In

Taking the time to check in with yourself is a very important routine to establish. Oftentimes, these check ins are completed for physical health; between routine doctor and dentist visits, recognizing when an illness or aches and pains begin. When a headache or fever begins, most will take medication to assist in feeling better. While it is important to pay attention to your physical health, it is also important to focus on your mental well-being. Sometimes you may be experiencing stress, sadness, or anger without either realizing it or taking the time to take care of yourself in those moments.

Taking Care of You: Coping with Divorce

Taking Care of You: Coping with Divorce

If you are trying to cope with a divorce, you may experience a grieving process. Know this is normal and that there are several things you can do in order to cope with difficult feelings. Divorces can be exhausting, overwhelming, and full of negative emotions. You may experience feelings of depression, anxiety, and/or stress. Know that these feelings are valid. While you navigate through this grieving process, you may go through cycles of feelings. It is important amidst this to enjoy all the things you previously loved doing and make space for you and what brings you joy.

Navigating Social Media: Health and Happiness in the Digital Age

Navigating Social Media: Health and Happiness in the Digital Age

Take a minute to pause and evaluate your own social media usage. Do you find yourself becoming upset if you do not receive a specific amount of likes or comments? Have you ever altered a photo to fit a certain image? Or, have you been more consumed with getting the perfect post than being able to enjoy the moment? If you find yourself answering yes or taking too much time to think of an answer, you may need to reevaluate your social media usage. The following are some tips to utilize for social media without it becoming harmful.

Coping with Stress: Managing End-of-School Year Stressors

Coping with Stress: Managing End-of-School Year Stressors

Summer is quickly approaching which can bring up mixed emotions for students. There is the excitement for warm weather, field trips, prom, and the end of the school year. But this also means the stress of final exams, end-of-the-year projects, and the anticipation of finding out grades and GPA for the year. Sometimes, the stress can be unmanageable, and overwhelming, and make it difficult to even feel excited about the good times that come with the end of the year. As a parent, it is important to be mindful of the stress that your child may be experiencing during this time of year in providing support and not placing excessive pressure on academic performance.

I.M.P.R.O.V.E.: A DBT-based Skill for Emotion Regulation

I.M.P.R.O.V.E.: A DBT-based Skill for Emotion Regulation

Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is based on a dialectical module which helps one to find the middle path or gray thinking with cognition and behaviors. When you think in a "all or nothing" way, you take on unnecessary stress and tension in life. DBT helps you think in terms of "all or at least something".

Positive Mindset: Mindfulness Techniques for Stress Management

Positive Mindset: Mindfulness Techniques for Stress Management

Being mindful is about remaining in the present moment and being aware of your current surroundings, thoughts, emotions and feelings. It is a practice often used in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy but also across different types of therapies. Read on for ways that mindfulness can support your overall wellbeing, particularly when it comes to managing stress.

Wishing Love and Kindness to the World= Your Increased Quality of Life

Wishing Love and Kindness to the World= Your Increased Quality of Life

Having challenges with your quality of life can come from many sources. When you take what happens to you and combine it with your reactions (thoughts, feelings, beliefs, choices, etc.) you get the formula for your quality of life. Most of what happens to us lies outside of our control, which can influence thoughts and feelings we often feel initially, in new situations. However, it is important to understand that the subsequent thoughts and feelings we have, and the beliefs they form, are very influential on our overall quality of life. It is here that a skill referred to as Loving Kindness was developed from eastern meditative practices as a way of reducing stress-reinforcing beliefs and improving overall quality of life.

Managing Depression with Behavioral Activation

Managing Depression with Behavioral Activation

When experiencing depression, one may feel less energy to do anything, and the resulting tendency to socially isolate will consequently contribute to further feelings of sadness related to depression. Behavioral Activation is a skill used in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help manage depression. The rationale is that purposely planning pleasurable activities will help diminish feelings of depression in the long term.

Flourishing Into Fall

Flourishing Into Fall

Flourishing is a term within the field of positive psychology that focuses on a multi-dimensional, complex approach to what true wellbeing and happiness look like. There are a lot of factors that make up flourishing, from personal development, self-love, self-awareness, financial freedom, and more. You might experience flourishing when you are trying new things, exploring a new hobby, and spending time with loved ones. Flourishing isn’t just one of these areas, it’s focusing on all of these pieces of the puzzle; a complete picture of wellbeing and happiness.

On Being Mindful: Meditation As Part of Your Daily Routine

On Being Mindful: Meditation As Part of Your Daily Routine

May is Meditation Month however it doesn’t just need to be May to practice the daily benefits of mindfulness and meditation. Mindfulness is the practice of staying present, and focusing on the moment. Research shows that practicing mindfulness through meditation or other relaxation strategies daily can lead to many benefits for both our physical and emotional wellbeing.

The Calm During the Storm: Coping Strategies to Weather Any Storm

The Calm During the Storm: Coping Strategies to Weather Any Storm

As the pandemic has raged on, various communities have experienced struggles in our country and others, political tension has risen, and other nations have experienced hardships, the uncertainty and unpredictability of things can lead to feeling many symptoms of anxiety.

While many have established strategies to cope with some of the above factors, like wearing masks, the emotional toll these events have taken on us is large. The way we handle the difficult emotions that have developed as a result of this time period is important, as they can continue to negatively impact ourselves and others.

Four Easy, Mindfulness Techniques to Use Throughout the Holiday Season

Four Easy, Mindfulness Techniques to Use Throughout the Holiday Season

With the holiday season approaching, as stress and anxiety heighten, it can be helpful to develop more coping strategies to get through particularly difficult moments throughout your day. Mindfulness meditation can be an extremely helpful technique to reduce your stress and anxiety.However, you can engage in these practices even without any formal meditation throughout your day. Below are a few ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life allowing you to feel more focused, calm, and at peace.

How to Have Tough Conversations

How to Have Tough Conversations

Getting a text or call from a friend, family member, or romantic partner with the words, “We have to talk”, always evokes a bit of anxiety. Whether you’re the one delivering this statement or receiving it, we all definitely don’t enjoy this phrase and what often follows. Are there ways to talk without having to use this phrase? Absolutely. This post aims to provide you with a way to communicate with others, never having to use this statement.