Consent Preferences

navigating social media

Social Media and Mental Health

Social Media and Mental Health

The rise of social media has been one of the greatest changes our culture has seen over the last two decades. What began as a niche activity for younger generations has become a worldwide phenomenon for everyone of all ages, genders and backgrounds. Social media has allowed us to talk to and engage with friends and family across the globe with ease, access professional services from our homes, receive news and information with the click of a button, and engage in our hobbies and interests anytime and anywhere. However, as social media use continues to become more and more prevalent, and many users find themselves using social media more frequently, many people have found themselves experiencing harmful consequences as a result.

Navigating Social Media: Health and Happiness in the Digital Age

Navigating Social Media: Health and Happiness in the Digital Age

Take a minute to pause and evaluate your own social media usage. Do you find yourself becoming upset if you do not receive a specific amount of likes or comments? Have you ever altered a photo to fit a certain image? Or, have you been more consumed with getting the perfect post than being able to enjoy the moment? If you find yourself answering yes or taking too much time to think of an answer, you may need to reevaluate your social media usage. The following are some tips to utilize for social media without it becoming harmful.