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reducing anxiety

How to Make Overthinking an After-thought

How to Make Overthinking an After-thought

Overthinking is a common struggle that can lead to increased anxiety, stress, and negative emotions. Most thoughts and feelings are very temporary.  However, it is the chain of thoughts and emotions we may engage in that causes these undesired feelings to outstay their welcome.  If you struggle with overthinking, you are not alone; there are several strategies you can use to reduce or eliminate habits of overthinking and improve your mental well-being.

DBT- Based Strategies to Manage Anxiety

DBT- Based Strategies to Manage Anxiety

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is seeing both sides or in shades of grey in a situation rather than from an all-or-nothing perspective. One of the bases of DBT is using positive distraction strategies. The following are some ideas to manage Anxiety with positive distraction to get your mind focused on something other than what is bothering you.

Grounding Oneself: Coping Strategies to Reduce Anxiety

Grounding Oneself: Coping Strategies to Reduce Anxiety

Symptoms of anxiety consist of both physical and mental symptoms, which oftentimes can feel incredibly overwhelming and difficult to manage in the moment. While there are many different techniques and tricks to combat these symptoms, a helpful group of skills fall under grounding techniques. Grounding techniques work to bring awareness to the present moment and what is happening in the world around you. These help to distract from anxious thoughts and symptoms. In bringing awareness to the present moment, it can provide feelings of safety and create a space between you and your feelings of anxiety. Grounding techniques can include both physical and mental techniques to provide distractions. The following are examples of grounding techniques that you can begin to use and practice.

Finding Holiday Cheer in the Midst of Holiday Stress

Finding Holiday Cheer in the Midst of Holiday Stress

As the weather is getting colder and the holidays are approaching, more to-dos, deadlines, and social pressures may arise. However, there are many ways to take care of your emotional wellbeing during the holiday season. Did you know, the winter sun in Norway doesn’t rise above the horizon, the days are short and dimly lit. So the Norwegians take the opportunity to create koselig, or a cozy way of living. This tradition means getting under a blanket with a cup of tea and enjoying your time with family and friends peacefully. And koselig must be working as Norwegians have astonishingly low rates of seasonal affective disorder and depression rates during the winter.

Four Easy, Mindfulness Techniques to Use Throughout the Holiday Season

Four Easy, Mindfulness Techniques to Use Throughout the Holiday Season

With the holiday season approaching, as stress and anxiety heighten, it can be helpful to develop more coping strategies to get through particularly difficult moments throughout your day. Mindfulness meditation can be an extremely helpful technique to reduce your stress and anxiety.However, you can engage in these practices even without any formal meditation throughout your day. Below are a few ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life allowing you to feel more focused, calm, and at peace.