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mindfulness exercises

What is Mindfulness & Why is Everyone Talking About It?

What is Mindfulness & Why is Everyone Talking About It?

Mindfulness is the practice of being aware of our environment, bodily sensations, thoughts & feelings. It is a minute-by-minute sense of awareness that is often overlooked, ignored & unnoticed. It is the idea of stopping to smell the roses! Additionally, mindfulness is a form of acceptance. Acceptance of our current thoughts & feelings in a judgement free, unbiased zone. We are usually so quick to judge our thoughts & feelings in a way that can be harmful, therefore mindfulness encourages us to be kinder & more accepting of ourselves.

Valuing Your Values

Valuing Your Values

This may seem like a silly title. How can a person do anything but value what they identify as valuable to themselves? It is true that many people make time, and commit energy, to the things they hold in the highest regard such as family, relationships, success, education, etc. However, like so many things, this can become an unconscious endeavor and your values can easily fall away from your focus as you find yourself building different routines. If one is neglecting their values, they may be unconsciously reinforcing depression, anxiety, grief, or anger. So how do we interact with our values in such a way that our lives and goals feel effective and meaningful?

Positive Mindset: Mindfulness Techniques for Stress Management

Positive Mindset: Mindfulness Techniques for Stress Management

Being mindful is about remaining in the present moment and being aware of your current surroundings, thoughts, emotions and feelings. It is a practice often used in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy but also across different types of therapies. Read on for ways that mindfulness can support your overall wellbeing, particularly when it comes to managing stress.

Wishing Love and Kindness to the World= Your Increased Quality of Life

Wishing Love and Kindness to the World= Your Increased Quality of Life

Having challenges with your quality of life can come from many sources. When you take what happens to you and combine it with your reactions (thoughts, feelings, beliefs, choices, etc.) you get the formula for your quality of life. Most of what happens to us lies outside of our control, which can influence thoughts and feelings we often feel initially, in new situations. However, it is important to understand that the subsequent thoughts and feelings we have, and the beliefs they form, are very influential on our overall quality of life. It is here that a skill referred to as Loving Kindness was developed from eastern meditative practices as a way of reducing stress-reinforcing beliefs and improving overall quality of life.

Four Easy, Mindfulness Techniques to Use Throughout the Holiday Season

Four Easy, Mindfulness Techniques to Use Throughout the Holiday Season

With the holiday season approaching, as stress and anxiety heighten, it can be helpful to develop more coping strategies to get through particularly difficult moments throughout your day. Mindfulness meditation can be an extremely helpful technique to reduce your stress and anxiety.However, you can engage in these practices even without any formal meditation throughout your day. Below are a few ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life allowing you to feel more focused, calm, and at peace.

Mindfulness & Stress Reduction (At Work)

Mindfulness & Stress Reduction (At Work)

Caring for your mental health is as important as caring for your physical health however emotional well-being is often overlooked in the workplace. It’s a challenge to manage work-related stress while also taking care of oneself. Mindfulness is one way to prioritize our mental health while reducing work-related stress.

Self-Care During Social Distancing

Self-Care During Social Distancing

As the pandemic continues and the way we typically work and play has changed drastically, we are spending more time at home, away from our friends and family. With limited social connection and disruption of routines, there will be an adjustment period for all. Prioritizing your self care during this time is crucial for your mental health and will help reduce stress and anxiety, boost your mood, and support your overall health and wellness.

Quick Tips To Managing Obsessive Thoughts

Quick Tips To Managing Obsessive Thoughts

Obsessive thoughts, whether good or bad, are exhausting. These tips can give your mind a break and shift your thoughts in a new direction. Distracting yourself and shifting your awareness away from obsessive thoughts can ease them.

Three Mindfulness Exercises You Should Do Everyday

Three Mindfulness Exercises You Should Do Everyday

These mindfulness tips can transform your life!