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goal setting

New Year, New Me

New Year, New Me

We have heard it before. New Years Resolutions. At the stroke of midnight, we kiss our loved ones, wish them a happy new year, and set some goals for ourselves to be better. If you are someone to abandon that shortly after you set your sights on change, you might be reading this blog. Why is it easier for people to trail off with their goals and revert back to their old ways? Changing habits is actually hard work and because that work requires more time, attention, and commitment, it’s easier for us to let go of that and be where it is comfortable, our “old” self. Perhaps you have reached a point where you are entirely fed up with who that person is.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals In The New Year

S.M.A.R.T. Goals In The New Year

New Years has recently passed and many of us have set resolutions or goals we want to accomplish in 2023. For many of us, as great and important as these goals may be, we might find it difficult to stick to and achieve them. Many times we might find it difficult to start working towards our goals, or if we start, we might stop shortly after beginning. Although there are several factors that may contribute to our difficulties in achieving our new goals, one common one is that these goals are often too large or too vague. One strategy we can use to help us toward reaching our goals is by setting “SMART” goals. SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timebound. These components work together to help to keep us motivated as we start and progress toward our goals.

New Year New Goals: Setting New Years Goals on Your Own Terms

New Year New Goals: Setting New Years Goals on Your Own Terms

New Years resolutions are part of celebrating the new years for some people. Making a list of goals and a plan to start on the 1st or the first Monday after the New Years is the usual norm. Rather than making a list of new goals this year, how about trying a different way to contemplate your goals and having a way to gauge your goals?

New Year, New Thoughts: Starting The New Year with Positive Thoughts

New Year, New Thoughts: Starting The New Year with Positive Thoughts

As we start the New Year, the phrase “new year, new me” often resurfaces. This phrase brings up many different thoughts and reactions, first starting with, why do you need to create a “new you”? This has the connotation that you need to completely recreate yourself. Rather, why not focus on crafting the best version of yourself. The New Year tends to bring pressure to create a big resolution, but often these goals do not seem attainable and are often forgotten. This year, instead of formulating one overarching specific resolution, why not try something new? The following are just some ideas of how to be kinder to yourself while creating goals.

Managing Depression with Behavioral Activation

Managing Depression with Behavioral Activation

When experiencing depression, one may feel less energy to do anything, and the resulting tendency to socially isolate will consequently contribute to further feelings of sadness related to depression. Behavioral Activation is a skill used in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help manage depression. The rationale is that purposely planning pleasurable activities will help diminish feelings of depression in the long term.

Why SMART Goals Mean Success

Why SMART Goals Mean Success

Everyone's vision of success is different. It could mean getting a job, completing a daunting task, or going back to school. Goals should be different each year, as you accomplish more in your life. Whatever you are aiming to do, setting SMART goals will help you get there. This means having reasonable and measurable long-term and short-term objectives.