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mental health in relationships

Using an Imagined Force Field to Reduce Conflict in Your Relationship

Using an Imagined Force Field to Reduce Conflict in Your Relationship

There are many ways that people strive to conceptualize their relationships and that of others around them. It is hard to apply a framework to something so complex, so what is being offered in this blog post is not a full framework but rather a device to use to help side-step being defensive, reduce co-dependency, and increase your commitment to your personal values while in the context of a relationship.

Mental Health Issues In Your Relationship

Mental Health Issues In Your Relationship

Mental health problems can have a large impact on a relationship. They can really drive a wedge between the growth that needs to occur between you and your partner. It is important to learn how to manage mental health problems in your relationship to prevent them from becoming a greater problem. Mental wellness is a challenging thing to manage on your own, but when you place it within a relationship it adds a completely different element.