When a loved one is struggling with mental health or life difficulties, and they come to you for support it can be hard to know how to navigate the conversation or how to respond. Sometimes, it is instinctual to jump into “fix it” mode with advice or to become overly positive. While this can be helpful at times, it can also be a strength to provide validation or to be a comforting presence. Providing validation does not mean that you necessarily agree with this person, rather it is taking the time to learn about the emotions, show respect, and express acceptance. The following are some helpful tips for providing support and emotional validation for a loved one.
Validation: Understanding Internal vs. External Validation
Validation is confirmation or affirmation that someone’s feelings are valid and worthwhile. Validation can be received through external or internal validation. Through messages over social media, television, podcasts, music and other avenues, validation is discussed and promoted as needed by everyone. So what is validation?