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3 Assumptions That Can Help You Parent

3 Assumptions That Can Help You Parent

Parenting kids of any age is one of the most emotionally challenging things most people go through. It is filled with daily struggles to motivate yourself and motivating your kid(s), sometimes even motivating your spouse as well. Trying to get your kids to go to sleep on time, wake up on time, get ready for school, eat their vegetables, get dressed, get bathed, do their homework, catch the bus, put down the cell phone, and another thing, and another thing without conclusion. While being a parent has its built-in rewards like cuddle time, hearing your kids laugh, and the occasional unsolicited “I love you mommy” or “I love you daddy”, the day-to-day can be very emotionally, mentally, and physically exhaustive. It is at this point where a lot of parents fall into a trap and build a series of assumptions that decrease their effectiveness as parents. While there are plenty of ways to reframe your thoughts and build more effective assumptions, these are three worthwhile assumptions that have been born out of my experience in the field of family therapy.

What Causes Depression In Aging Adults?

What Causes Depression In Aging Adults?

Growing old is not just a physical process, but also a mental one. The majority of the elderly population experiences stressful or traumatic life events and transitions, which is completely normal. However, these events can be difficult to navigate and can stir up deep seated emotions that can easily lead to depression if not handled correctly.