Consent Preferences

teens and brain development

Teen Talk: Understanding the Cognitive Development of Teenagers

Teen Talk: Understanding the Cognitive Development of Teenagers

Cognitive development in teenagers is a fascinating topic.  As teens develop both socially and cognitively, they are also able to think more deeply about complex ideas and concepts, and they begin to understand the world around them in a more complex way.  This however, does not come without its share of successes and challenges for the teen and those committed to supporting them.

Talking with Teens: Communication Strategies for Interacting with Your Teen

Talking with Teens: Communication Strategies for Interacting with Your Teen

If you have teenagers or have older children who were at some time a teenager, you may be able to understand how different it can be to interact with someone from the ages of 13-19 than it is to interact with someone younger or older. It has been well documented those adolescent years have unique and often challenging experiences for both the teen as well as those close to them in their lives. It is in these years that many parent-teen relationships suffer with both parties feeling as if the other is so disconnected. This is a common issue that many families struggle with, and it is also indicative of a time in all our adolescent journeys that we may use to relate to one another.