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cognitive distortions

Creativity & Coping: How Your Imagination Can Be A Great Tool For Your Mental Health

Creativity & Coping: How Your Imagination Can Be A Great Tool For Your Mental Health

Humans are among a very small percentage of creatures that have the documented capacity to imagine vivid and complex ideas. We can engage in fun fantasies like driving our dream car, traveling to exotic locations, and finding our true love in the most romantic way. We can also imagine worst-case scenarios like our heaviest concerns for the day coming to pass, imagining coming face to face with a specific phobia, or picturing exactly how that argument with your partner will play out later.

Can Judging Be a Good Thing? Identifying What Are and Are Not Helpful Judgments

Can Judging Be a Good Thing? Identifying What Are and Are Not Helpful Judgments

The idea of a “judgment” is a loaded concept. The word judgment can bring to mind the memory of feeling insulted by someone else, assumptions you find yourself making, or a wise-minded choice that made a large desirable impact in your life. However, what is a judgment really? There are many different meanings to the word judgment, depending on what arena in which it is being used. A legal judgment is determined in a court, a religious judgment is usually linked with an almighty figure, but a psychological judgment is the kind of judgment we make every day, that have great effects on our lives and our experiences.

Consistent, Running Thoughts?: Tips to Manage Ruminating or Intrusive Thoughts

Consistent, Running Thoughts?: Tips to Manage Ruminating or Intrusive Thoughts

We all experience around 6000 thoughts per day. That’s a lot of thinking within one waking period! That being said, sometimes these thoughts get stuck in your mind, almost as if they are a song with an error that keeps playing the same five seconds of the song, or a television show that’s frozen on one particular scene. Often the thoughts that tend to get stuck and cycle like this, are associated with negative emotions such as worry about various topics such as completing tasks, perceptions others may have of us, or something we are worried we may have forgotten.