Consent Preferences

social media and racism

Trauma & Resilience In Present Times: Trauma and Racism Within Social Media

Trauma & Resilience In Present Times: Trauma and Racism Within Social Media

With so much content across social media around the pandemic and ongoing protests as well as outcries amongst systemic racism and police brutality, it’s important to understand the impact this has on one another and how this may exacerbate ongoing trauma responses.

Social Media & Chronic Trauma: The Impact of Police Brutality and Social Media Imagery on Mental Health

Social Media & Chronic Trauma: The Impact of Police Brutality and Social Media Imagery on Mental Health

As protestors continue to take to the streets across the country, highlighting ongoing systemic racism, social media is amplifying these messages. Videos and photos depicting police violence toward protestors such as shooting them with rubber bullets, driving cruisers into crowds, and throwing tear gas at protestors can be viewed daily, across social media platforms. According to research, while this imagery shines light on racism and aims to bolster efforts in fighting it, the explosion of content can also cause and reinforce trauma, especially for black people. Trauma and the possibility of symptoms of PTSD can occur due to the accumulation of experiences of racism and discrimination.