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5 Health Benefits of Pumpkins (You Likely Didn't Know)


National Pumpkin Day is October 26th, however we seem to celebrate the joys of pumpkin throughout the fall, particularly in October. One of the ways we do this is through our love of consuming pumpkin-flavored foods of all kinds! Whether it be a pumpkin spiced-latte, pumpkin pie, pumpkin ice cream, there are so many options on the market throughout the fall. Now, while we eat these because they taste good, and bring back positive feelings of fall, there are other benefits to eating pumpkin as well. Read below on the amazing health benefits of pumpkin as well. 

  • It’s Calming!

Pumpkin seeds are chock full of magnesium which has been shown, in research, to relieve anxiety, stress, and make you calmer! 

  • It Supports Healthy Sleep!

Pumpkin seeds are loaded with Tryptophan (that’s the stuff in turkey that makes us sleepy). Tryptophan also produces serotonin, which is the amazing neurotransmitter that helps us fall asleep. Serotonin is important for sleep and overall mood!

  • It’s Super Awesome Brain Food!

Both pumpkin and pumpkin seeds are rich in fiber, and fiber promotes good brain health. A high-fiber diet has been shown to lead to a healthy gut, which leads to positive brain health.

  • It Can Lower Blood Pressure and Reduce Hypertension!

Pumpkin seed oil contains phytoestrogens, which have been shown to be beneficial in preventing hypertension. 

  • It Can Help Burn Fat Which Also Improves Mood!

While pumpkin seeds are small, they are dense and they fill you up when snacking, while keeping you satiated. Thus, if pumpkin seeds are your snack food of choice, you’ll snack less, consume fewer calories, and lose weight. We know weight loss also improves mood and sleep.

Tell us what type of pumpkin goodies you’re snacking on this fall season. And if you’re finding yourself needing more emotional support this fall, click here.