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autumn and health

The Science Behind Pumpkin Spice

The Science Behind Pumpkin Spice

It’s fall, that means it’s pumpkin spice time! It’s everywhere! Coffee creamer, cereal, ice cream, pop tarts, granola bars and more, we see pumpkin spice as an ingredient in almost every item you could imagine. Do you know there is even pumpkin-spice flavored spam? While some may sound more delicious than others, either way pumpkin spice is good for you. There are health benefits to this that we often don’t talk about as we are indulging in some pumpkin spice cinnamon rolls. And while the baked goods may not be the healthiest, pumpkin spice itself has some major benefits.

Autumn Anxiety: Developing Awareness & Tips to Prevent & Manage The Fall Blues

Autumn Anxiety: Developing Awareness & Tips to Prevent & Manage The Fall Blues

As the days get shorter, temperatures drop, and we recognize those days of sitting by the pool, or going for a swim are ending, we can sometimes find ourselves feeling anxious. Autumn anxiety has been defined as, “The tendency for people to suffer from low mood or anxiety during the fall months.”. Typically autumn anxiety is triggered by the seasonal changes and occurs annually for those that experience this.

5 Health Benefits of Pumpkins (You Likely Didn't Know)

5 Health Benefits of Pumpkins (You Likely Didn't Know)

National Pumpkin Day is October 26th, however we seem to celebrate the joys of pumpkin throughout the fall, particularly in October. Whether it be a pumpkin spiced-latte, pumpkin pie, pumpkin ice cream, there are so many options on the market throughout the fall. While we eat these because they taste good, and bring back positive feelings of fall, there are other benefits to eating pumpkin as well. Read about the amazing health benefits of pumpkin!