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Feeling Stuck In Therapy?

Feeling Stuck In Therapy?

When you are feeling stuck in therapy it's usually due to wanting to make changes yet struggling to do so. Feeling stuck in therapy shouldn’t automatically feel like a bad thing. Some people consider this moment a “tipping point.” You may be asking what's next and where to go. Here are some ways to get unstuck within the therapy space.

Navigating Therapeutic Support: Strategies to Support Growth Between Sessions

Navigating Therapeutic Support: Strategies to Support Growth Between Sessions

During a therapy session you have the space to talk about your emotions and stressors, confront your problems, and be provided with helpful feedback to support positive changes. The time spent in a therapy session can feel empowering, but this is only a small portion of your week. There are 168 hours in a week, less than one of those hours are spent in therapy. A common misconception is that attending your weekly therapy sessions is all that is needed, but the time in between therapy sessions also holds an important space to continue to progress. So the real question is, what do you do in the time in between therapy sessions? While there is not an exact science or formula that is guaranteed to work, the following are helpful tips and ideas to help you in between sessions.

Autumn Anxiety: Developing Awareness & Tips to Prevent & Manage The Fall Blues

Autumn Anxiety: Developing Awareness & Tips to Prevent & Manage The Fall Blues

As the days get shorter, temperatures drop, and we recognize those days of sitting by the pool, or going for a swim are ending, we can sometimes find ourselves feeling anxious. Autumn anxiety has been defined as, “The tendency for people to suffer from low mood or anxiety during the fall months.”. Typically autumn anxiety is triggered by the seasonal changes and occurs annually for those that experience this.

Building Self-Esteem in Therapy

Building Self-Esteem in Therapy

Often individuals come into therapy looking to understand and explore self-esteem as well as boost their self-esteem. Individuals develop a close, trusting relationship with their therapist and share a lot about themselves. Through this process one can begin to feel that a genuine relationship has built and that they and their therapist have mutual respect for each other. Through the therapeutic relationship, one can heal from past negative experiences and shift their perspectives around various situations and circumstances. Self-esteem is often linked to many of these.