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emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence

Most people are familiar with the standardized assessment and scoring to assess intelligence- IQ (intelligence quotient), but oftentimes the topic of emotional intelligence (also known as emotional quotient) is overlooked. It can be helpful to learn and implement skills that assist in understanding and increasing emotional intelligence.

The Benefits Of Playing Video Games

The Benefits Of Playing Video Games

Video games have frequently been portrayed in the media as, at best, a “waste of time”, and at worst, harmful to those who play them. However, there has been an increasing amount of research that not only contradicts these claims, but identifies numerous benefits of playing video games. Another common misconception of video games is that it is for children, particularly male children; however, the people who play video games has continued to become an increasingly diverse group. The age of the average video game player is 35 and it is estimated that approximately 59% of those who play video games are male and 41% are female (Halbrook, O’Donell & Mstefi 2019).