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Coping for All Occasions: Why a Self-Care Tool Kit Is Crucial


We know we all need to engage in self-care. It makes us feel good, it helps us destress, and we know that there are long-term benefits for our mental and physical health. 

However, in difficult moments, it’s often difficult for our brains to remember all the self-care activities we know as our nervous systems take over and attempt to fight or flee. Thus, developing a self-care toolkit for any moment can be helpful. By having these on hand, you can use them anytime you feel stress or need something to help you regroup. 

Aim to develop your toolkit during moments of calm for use when worried, stressed, tired, fatigued, or experiencing other negative emotions where you could use some support. Consider keeping a list of tools that work best for you, or even a bag of materials at hand, to use when needed.

Self-care looks different for everyone. Aim for activities in your toolkit that bring you joy, calm, and additional positive emotions. 

Some ideas for your self-care toolkit might include:

  • Scents that bring you a sense of calm such as aromatherapy spray or a bath bomb

  • Music you enjoy listening to or meditation tracks that provide a sense of calm

  • Videos or photographs that bring positive feelings

  • Coloring books or other art activities

  • Fidget toys that can help alleviate stress like a spinner or rubix cube

  • Calming items to eat/drink such as a warm cup of tea

  • Lotion, soft materials, or a worry stone that has a soothing texture

No matter what you choose, you know yourself best. Aim for items you know bring you comfort in difficult moments. By having these pre-selected, you can utilize these in times of need.

Click here if you’d like more support in developing self-care strategies that work best for you.