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self-care strategies

Taking Care of You: Maintaining and Establishing a Positive Relationship with Yourself

Taking Care of You: Maintaining and Establishing a Positive Relationship with Yourself

One of the most important relationships that make up your life is the relationship that you have with yourself. The way that you treat yourself, talk to yourself, or even follow through on promises you’ve made to yourself can impact your overall mental health and wellbeing. It is easy to fall into a cycle of pleasing others and seeking external validation, however, this takes away from your ability to trust or even love yourself. The relationship you have with yourself also directly impacts the way in which you connect with others.

Coping for All Occasions: Why a Self-Care Tool Kit Is Crucial

Coping for All Occasions: Why a Self-Care Tool Kit Is Crucial

We know we all need to engage in self-care. It makes us feel good, it helps us destress, and we know that there are long-term benefits for our mental and physical health. However, in difficult moments, it’s often difficult for our brains to remember all the self-care activities we know as our nervous systems take over and attempt to fight or flee. Thus, developing a self-care toolkit for any moment can be helpful. By having these on hand, you can use them anytime you feel stress or need something to help you regroup.