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caring for yourself

Forget New Year’s Resolutions- Focus on Self Care Instead!

Forget New Year’s Resolutions- Focus on Self Care Instead!

The holidays are now over & it’s time to assess the past year- Are you working too much? Are you feeling fatigued & stressed on a regular basis? Are you isolated & withdrawn from friends/family? Are you experiencing a low mood or poor sleep? Are you having difficulty concentrating or feeling unmotivated?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be experiencing burnout.

Ways To Cope With Divorce

Ways To Cope With Divorce

While healing from a divorce, you may experience a grieving process and there are things you can focus on during this time. Exhaustion, overwhelming feelings, negative and painful feelings may arise and while these can be scary, they are also normal and can be worked through. Here are some ways to cope through the process of moving forward from a divorce.

Taking Care of You: Maintaining and Establishing a Positive Relationship with Yourself

Taking Care of You: Maintaining and Establishing a Positive Relationship with Yourself

One of the most important relationships that make up your life is the relationship that you have with yourself. The way that you treat yourself, talk to yourself, or even follow through on promises you’ve made to yourself can impact your overall mental health and wellbeing. It is easy to fall into a cycle of pleasing others and seeking external validation, however, this takes away from your ability to trust or even love yourself. The relationship you have with yourself also directly impacts the way in which you connect with others.