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Quarter Life Crisis

A quarter life crisis occurs on one's twenties, after entering the "real world" (graduating college, moving out, starting a full-time job). There are many aspects of a quarter life criss, including feeling lost, scared, lonely or confused about the steps to take to properly transition into adulthood. Early stages of one living on their own and learning to cope without the same parental help can induce feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Here are some warning signs that you may be experiencing a quarter life crisis:

1) Depression

Depression tends to be the most prevalent sign of this crisis. The best way to work against depression is to get yourself active as soon as you feel it coming on. This will prevent it from continuing to keep you down.

2) Frustration

Within this crisis, frustration can tear oneself down. This can lead to anger, which can lead to actions that will make a situation worse. Frustration can push you into too many directions at once, which causes a loss of focus.

3) Anxiety

Being anxious about your job or moving out can factor into the quarter life crisis experience. Wanting something to be over as soon as possible can leave you feeling worried with anticipation, which only adds more stress to your already full plate.

4) Detachment

In your twenties, you tend to want more personal space. There is nothing that makes you want to detach more than everyone around you giving endless amounts of advice. This can cause you to detach from friends and family, without even realizing it. 

5) Lack of Motivation

Trying to motivate yourself to do things other than basic responsibilities during this stressful time can prove to be exhausting. This can be due to a general lack of motivation in regards to current and future obligations. When we find ourselves this overwhelmed, we tend to give up trying altogether.

By this point, you may be thinking that you are experiencing a quarter life crisis. So how do you get out of it? 

Stop comparing yourselves to others. Easier said than done, but you cannot compare the beginning of your journey to the middle of someone else’s. You have to stay focused on your own path, your own pace, and your own goals. 

Most people feel ashamed about being stuck and chose to pretend as if things are okay. Although you don't need to talk to everyone about it, try talk to your close friends and family. There is so much power in sharing your experiences with other people and taking the burden off of just your shoulders. 

If you find that you can benefit from professional support, we have therapists that specialize in treating the quarter life crisis. Click here to be paired with a licensed clinican who can help.