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Exploring Dimensions of Wellness

Exploring Dimensions of Wellness

When many of us think of “wellness”, the first thing that may come to mind is our physical or mental health. Although our physical and mental health are important aspects of our wellness, there are many more contributing factors. Debbie Stoewen identifies eight separate, but equally important, components of wellness (2017). These eight components, named the “Dimensions of Wellness”, are independent of one another, but can also significantly influence and impact each other as well. These dimensions don’t require equal attention paid to them, but neglecting one can have negative consequences on the others, including our overall wellness.

Is this Laziness or Procrastination?

Is this Laziness or Procrastination?

Are you lazy or is this just plain old procrastination? In order to answer this complicated question, let’s first examine the definitions of both. Procrastination is defined as the act of delaying or postponing something. Laziness on the other hand is voluntarily choosing not to exert energy to complete something. Even though they sound similar, procrastination & laziness are not one in the same. Do you ever make a to-do list and then feel psychologically paralyzed when it’s time to begin? You are not alone. Many people get caught in a cycle of putting things off, which inevitably results in unwanted procrastination. The old saying goes, too many tomorrows & tomorrow never comes.

New Year, New Me

New Year, New Me

We have heard it before. New Years Resolutions. At the stroke of midnight, we kiss our loved ones, wish them a happy new year, and set some goals for ourselves to be better. If you are someone to abandon that shortly after you set your sights on change, you might be reading this blog. Why is it easier for people to trail off with their goals and revert back to their old ways? Changing habits is actually hard work and because that work requires more time, attention, and commitment, it’s easier for us to let go of that and be where it is comfortable, our “old” self. Perhaps you have reached a point where you are entirely fed up with who that person is.

Erikson's Stages of Development

Erikson's Stages of Development

Erik Erikson (1902-1994) is a psychologist most well known for his model on psychosocial development. Erikson’s focus on the social aspects of development, and the impacts of social influences on our development, differentiated his model from others and provided a framework that would progress the field of psychology for decades to come.  Erikson’s stages of development theory details eight distinct and consecutive stages one progresses through to develop a healthy sense of self.

How To Cope After Being Fired

How To Cope After Being Fired

Getting fired is more common than some may realize.  A company can have numerous reasons for letting go of an employee such as budgeting, creative differences, or unsatisfactory performance.  It is important that you find ways to navigate this stressful life change. 

Understanding Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

Understanding Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

Motivation is what pushes us to do and accomplish both the things we want and need to do, from going to school or work, to spending time with friends and loved ones, spending our time enjoying our hobbies. Many times, our motivation is not something we are consciously aware of, especially when it comes to thinking how we are motivated. There are two main different types of motivation: extrinsic and intrinsic.

Treat Yourself! Take a Break

Treat Yourself! Take a Break

Taking on a challenging work project, school paper, workday, or studying can feel overwhelming, so much so that it sometimes causes you to push through without stopping until the task is complete. While in this process, taking the time to pause can bring feelings of guilt. Often, having this mindset can make the thought of taking a break as being “lazy” or “unproductive.” However, taking a break is the opposite of this, as there are many benefits that you will experience from doing so. Adapting the mindset of viewing breaks as a productive way to better help complete your tasks is essential.

Time for Change: How To Build Up Motivation For Change

Time for Change: How To Build Up Motivation For Change

Many people struggle with making changes in their lives. Some people may not be convinced of the need for change. Some people may understand the change required but may be unable to act due to resources or timing. Some people understand the changes that they want in their lives, have the capability and resources, and yet still struggle with activating that change. It is this third group of individuals with which many folks suffering from mental health difficulties can identify. While working with individuals who list a “lack of motivation” as a reoccurring symptom that is significantly affecting their life, building motivation is one of the first steps needed because motivation is needed to cope, to change symptom-reinforcing habits, and to eventually experience a more desirable mood and quality of life. The next few steps would be one of the most effective ways to help build motivation for change, even for those who particularly struggle with this challenge.

Solutions-Focused: Problem-Solving Steps Made Easy

Solutions-Focused: Problem-Solving Steps Made Easy

We may have all heard the term “problem-solving” but I wonder how many people actually know the steps in the process. If you ask someone how to solve a problem, they may say something like “just find what works” or “figure out the problem before trying to solve it” and just like how the average person could change the brakes on their car, an experienced mechanic will know all the basics just as well as they would know all the subtleties and best practices that would take the process from just working to working optimally. I am sure that many people reading this could say that they have solved countless problems in their lives, but to have a step-by-step guide on an effective method of doing so may yet be useful.

Understanding Personality Traits

Understanding Personality Traits

When the concept of personality is mentioned, many people think of someone’s sense of humor or their general affect or their personal style, but in the field of psychology personality has a particular definition. This definition is according to the American Psychological Association (, 2022): “Personality refers to individual differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving.”

Emotional Wellbeing & Work: Is your Job Good For You?

Emotional Wellbeing & Work: Is your Job Good For You?

Forty or more hours a week, 9 am to 5 pm or later, short breaks then back at it again. Sound familiar? Many jobs have this format but a growing number (particularly after the pandemic) are adopting a different format and requiring workers to figure out solutions to new challenges. Whether you are a restaurant server, warehouse supervisor, or a CEO, the idea that a job or a career is a regular and necessary part of life is built into our culture. Just think of the perceptions around the idea of being “unemployed” or “jobless” or how many times you may have heard growing up things like “you need a job” or “no one likes to work, but you have to do it.” From the time you begin to work until retirement, it is assumed that everyone needs to work a job in order to achieve. It is here where many people struggle with the idea of sacrificing so much of their time to a job when their values would suggest a different use of their time and energy. There are also many people who place themselves in their job or career doing what they love and where their values agree with how they use their time. Now here is the $50,000-a-year question (before taxes); How in the heck do you figure out what is right for you?

Valuing Your Values

Valuing Your Values

This may seem like a silly title. How can a person do anything but value that which they identify as valuable to them? It is true that many people make time and commit energy to the things they hold in the highest regard such as family, relationships, success, education, etc. However, like so many things, this can become an unconscious endeavor and your values can easily fall away from your focus as you find yourself building different routines. If one is neglecting their values, they may be unconsciously reinforcing depression, anxiety, grief, or anger. So how do we interact with our values in such a way that our lives feel meaningful and our goals are effectively achieved?

New Year New Goals: Setting New Years Goals on Your Own Terms

New Year New Goals: Setting New Years Goals on Your Own Terms

New Years resolutions are part of celebrating the new years for some people. Making a list of goals and a plan to start on the 1st or the first Monday after the New Years is the usual norm. Rather than making a list of new goals this year, how about trying a different way to contemplate your goals and having a way to gauge your goals?

Valuing Your Values

Valuing Your Values

This may seem like a silly title. How can a person do anything but value what they identify as valuable to themselves? It is true that many people make time, and commit energy, to the things they hold in the highest regard such as family, relationships, success, education, etc. However, like so many things, this can become an unconscious endeavor and your values can easily fall away from your focus as you find yourself building different routines. If one is neglecting their values, they may be unconsciously reinforcing depression, anxiety, grief, or anger. So how do we interact with our values in such a way that our lives and goals feel effective and meaningful?

Resentments In Relationship: How To Catch It Early and Knock It Right Back Out

Resentments In Relationship:  How To Catch It Early and Knock It Right Back Out

In a committed relationship, whether this is a romantic relationship or another close and intimate relationship, there are a few things that as humans, we typically respond more desirably to for the purposes of having an effective relationship. There are also things to which we respond undesirably. Some examples of things that we respond more desirably to would be validation, communication, loyalty, and trust. Consequently, the absence of some of or all these things can lead to what John Gottman and Nan Silver (The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, 1999) referred to as the “Four Horseman of the Apocalypse” for a relationship. These “four horsemen” include criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling. One of the most destructive of these is Contempt. . However, there are safeguards that can be put in place to help protect yourself from this particular “horseman”.

Managing Stress for Working Mothers

Managing Stress for Working Mothers

Working mothers juggle many responsibilities and play many roles to maintain the stability and happiness of their families. From the basics such as groceries, paying bills, maintaining a home, to of course dedicating time to raising strong, healthy, children, to having a successful career can be demanding and stressful. Read on for some strategies to manage the stress of balancing work and parenting responsibilities.

Harnessing the Power of Your Habits

Harnessing the Power of Your Habits

I don’t know about you, but sometimes throughout my day, I have a moment where I stop and think about what it is I am doing because part of me does not remember making the decision to do it in the first place. Some of these behaviors or actions I find myself doing are productive, some are neutral, and some are ones that I wish I didn’t do as much, especially without thinking about it. According to the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, about 43% of what most people do every day is out of habit (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 83, No. 6, 2002). This is almost half of your daily life decided for you based on routine. Once again, if you are anything like me, there are parts of that 43% that I would rather be different, so here are some tips to better understand how habits work.

Stress Management: Keys To Coping With Stress

Stress Management: Keys To Coping With Stress

One of the best ways to start managing stress is to focus on your daily habits and routines. Do you have the so-called “basics” covered? You have heard and maybe even read about them before: exercising, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, and so on. But have you evaluated how well you do each of these well-being habits and even if you are doing them consistently? Consistency is the key to building and maintaining healthy habits.

Flourishing Into Fall

Flourishing Into Fall

Flourishing is a term within the field of positive psychology that focuses on a multi-dimensional, complex approach to what true wellbeing and happiness look like. There are a lot of factors that make up flourishing, from personal development, self-love, self-awareness, financial freedom, and more. You might experience flourishing when you are trying new things, exploring a new hobby, and spending time with loved ones. Flourishing isn’t just one of these areas, it’s focusing on all of these pieces of the puzzle; a complete picture of wellbeing and happiness.

Morning Routine and Mental Health: The Importance of Starting Your Day On a Positive Note

Morning Routine and Mental Health: The Importance of Starting Your Day On a Positive Note

Starting your day off focused on things you enjoy, and what you want to achieve, can reduce the stress that can sometimes occur first thing. Aim to spend a few moments each morning focused on what you want your day to look like. Imagining a positive outcome can assist in this actually occurring. So aim to start your day considering what you are looking forward to and practicing self-care first thing.