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reducing negative thoughts

The 3-3-3 Rule for Anxiety

The 3-3-3 Rule for Anxiety

The 3-3-3 rule for anxiety is a technique that uses emotional grounding to reduce anxiety.  The technique gets you to focus on the present, shifting your focus away from your worry.  Negative thoughts tend to stem from the future or the past, so by focusing on the here and now, you can reduce your negative thoughts and gain some clarity.  The 3-3-3 rule is a short exercise that you can use on a daily basis or during moments of high stress or anxiety. 

Take a Break!: Tips on taking a mental reset after a stressful day

Take a Break!: Tips on taking a mental reset after a stressful day

After a stressful day it can be difficult to turn off our negative thoughts and feelings. It can be easy to bring stress home after a long day at work, an argument with a friend, or whatever it may be that brought you down. It is important to take care of yourself after a stressful day by checking in with yourself and allowing a mental reset. Taking a mental reset can help in better managing your stress and not allowing it to continue the remainder of the day into the next. The following are ten tips and strategies you can use to help unwind after a stressful day:

Practice Makes Perfect: The Importance of Regularly Practicing Strategies to Manage Anger

Practice Makes Perfect: The Importance of Regularly Practicing Strategies to Manage Anger

Anger is a healthy emotion, but often we worry it isn’t. Focused on the behaviors anger can lead to, we often avoid thinking about and tackling why we are feeling angry. We all experience anger, from frustration with a co-worker to full-blown anger in a breakup or another scenario. Amongst varying degrees of anger, it’s helpful to have strategies that support regulating these emotions, so that you are not impacted negatively.

By practicing coping strategies daily, to reduce and manage anger, we can find ourselves better able to manage stressors as they arise. Here are a few daily practices to try that can support this.