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navigating stress

Filling Up Your Positivity Gas Tank

Filling Up Your Positivity Gas Tank

Filling up your positivity gas tank is a term that can be used to help convey a similar idea as when one fills up their actual gas tank in their car. When you know you will need to drive your vehicle, and it needs to get you places reliably, and the gas tank is running low, you ensure that you stop and fill up the tank so that your car may perform as you need it to when you need it to. This metaphor is fitting for how our tolerance works in our daily life. Many people who suffer from common mental health challenges struggle with a thought distortion referred to as “filtering out the positive .”

Intimacy In Relationships: Myths vs. Facts

Intimacy In Relationships: Myths vs. Facts

Intimacy is a cornerstone of any close relationship. This intimacy can come from many different parts of a relationship and look very different from one another, but they all have one thing in common; trust and vulnerability. Whether this relationship is between you and your parents, best friend, or romantic partner, if it is a close relationship then they know the real you and you trust them not to hurt you with that information. It is here that we let our walls down that would otherwise be up with other people. Having your walls down is the vulnerable state that makes these relationships so strong and meaningful. There are many myths and misconceptions about intimacy that regularly affects the quality of a relationship.

Taking Care of You: Daily Stress Management Techniques

Taking Care of You: Daily Stress Management Techniques

We all experience stressors daily. Whether this be stress at work, running late, numerous family activities, or other daily tasks. Anxiety rises amidst all of these stressors which can lead to shifts in cortisol levels, exacerbating these negative feelings. So let’s stop for a moment. Take a 4-5-6 deep breath. Take a moment, close your eyes, and breathe in slowly for a count of 4, hold for count of 5 and breathe out for count of 6. Try this for 3 minutes or do this in a set of 10, with intention and mindful effort. Now slowly open your eyes and look around you. How are you feeling? What do you need in this moment? This is one strategy that can be used to manage stress on a day to day basis. Let’s look into a few more stress management strategies.