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How To Care For Your Mental Health While Unemployed

How To Care For Your Mental Health While Unemployed

Being unemployed can be tough. Here are a few suggestions that can keep you mentally healthy while you ride out the job search.

What's Your Money Personality?

What's Your Money Personality?

Money can be a somewhat taboo topic, but it plays such a significant role in everyone’s lives. That’s why it’s so important for you to understand your relationship with money and how that relationship impacts your decisions.

How To Enjoy Your Phone: The Healthy Way

How To Enjoy Your Phone: The Healthy Way

Smartphones have made our lives much easier, however we know they have also greatly impacted our physical and mental well-being. Here are some suggestions on how you can use your cell phone in a healthier way.

What Happens During The First Therapy Session?

What Happens During The First Therapy Session?

Are you considering trying therapy or preparing for your first therapy session? Here’s what to expect.

6 Ways To Make People Like You More

6 Ways To Make People Like You More

Here are 6 key principles you should be implementing in your life to make people like you more as seen in the famous book, “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.”

6 Guidelines For Walking Away From An Argument

6 Guidelines For Walking Away From An Argument

It is common when fighting with someone you love to say things you later regret. This stems from our worst fears being brought out, whether it’s a fear being abandoned, betrayed, or unseen. When we fight with those we love, we often want to be heard and work through deep issues. Unfortunately, in the midst of fighting, resolutions don’t always come so easily. If you notice that you are becoming triggered, you should remove yourself from the situation. One of the best things you can do to prevent the fight from continuing is to allow one or both of you to take a short break. This works when there is a prior agreement and strategies in place. Here are some guidelines:

How To Deal With The Post Travel Blues

How To Deal With The Post Travel Blues

If you notice that the travel blues is something you get when you return home, accept that it happens then prepare yourself for it.

15 Tips To Improve Your Communication

15 Tips To Improve Your Communication

Good communication is essential towards any high quality relationship. Here are 15 quick and simple tips that you can use to help build your communication skills.

How To De-Escalate An Argument Quickly

How To De-Escalate An Argument Quickly

Arguments tend to gain momentum. What usually starts out as a reasonable, casual discussion, can quickly lead to nit-picking and screaming. In the moment, an argument can make you feel as if you are totally out of control. The key thing to do during these times is to attempt to take control over your actions.

Why You Should Have A Hobby

Why You Should Have A Hobby

There are actually many health benefits to engaging in a hobby! It also helps you build confidence, create a social support network, and allows you to cultivate unused skills. Here are some reasons everyone should have a hobby:

How To Bounce Back From Rock Bottom

How To Bounce Back From Rock Bottom

Life is very much like a roller coaster - full of ups and downs. At some point or another you may find yourself going through one of those low points. Whether it’s the lose of a job, an addiction, or perhaps something entirely out of your control - life happens and sometimes you can’t always avoid it. So what can you do to bounce yourself back to a better place? Here are a few suggestions.

5 Daily Habits That Are Hurting Your Mental Health

5 Daily Habits That Are Hurting Your Mental Health

Habits can be super helpful in maintaining a healthy lifestyle - except for when they’re bad ones. Did you know that some of your seemingly mundane daily habits could actually be harming your mental health? Here they are!