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Building Insight: Open Ended Questions

Building Insight: Open Ended Questions

While building insight about any particular idea or choice, our minds tend to have little conversations or monologues weighing all the different aspects and facts around the situation. Sometimes we look to our trusted supports in our life to help in this process and offer an outsider’s perspective. As a therapist, insight-building is often a part of the therapeutic process. Sometimes it is a clear objective and other times it is a byproduct of the therapeutic process itself. Regardless, insight refers to our ability to use our wisdom to build a complete understanding of an idea or situation. This is very important when related to making a choice or building motivation for change.

How To Increase Your GPA Without Studying: The impact of mental health on academic success.

How To Increase Your GPA Without Studying: The impact of mental health on academic success.

For some reason, it has been a long road for both public and private academic institutions to take this link between mental health and academic functioning seriously. We are seeing more and more robust and dedicated mental health services and systems in our educational programs, however time spent with many families has shown me that the direct link between mental health struggles and academic struggles is hardly common knowledge.

I’m a college student struggling with stress and anxiety. What can I do?

I’m a college student struggling with stress and anxiety. What can I do?

This may be your first year, this may be your third, regardless, it is very common for people in college to experience stress and anxiety. Is this the first time you are living away from home, or far away from home? Do you feel isolated, overwhelmed from all of your deadlines, and pulling late nights? Many factors can impact how you function and feel each day and college is an environment that presents a lot of different factors to make you feel that way. Transitioning from high school to college is difficult as is. The culture is different, the schedules are different, and it can be easier to let things pile up and prioritize other things, like friends, parties, or work.

Study Ideas for Kids

Study Ideas for Kids

How do you learn something like riding a bike? Most likely someone gave you lessons and then you practiced. You can learn to study the same way. No one is born already knowing how to study. Learning, and then practicing those skills can build your studying capabilities.

Navigating Friendship Breakups

Navigating Friendship Breakups

As a society, there are often conversations that occur about the breakups and endings of romantic relationships; however, it seems that there are very little conversations about the ending or “breakup” of friendships. In a romantic relationship there is typically a conversation and formal ending, which provides some sort of closure and explanation. Whereas friendship “breakups” don’t always have the same sentiment, phone calls and texts become fewer and further between, and soon the only updates you really know about their lives are on social media. These friendship “breakups” cause unanswered questions along with some confusion as to how to grieve this ending. Society and pop culture display the grieving of a romantic relationship ending, but the friendship breakups seem to be less displayed or discussed. On the flip side, due to the lack of conversation about friendship breakups, it can cause individuals to feel an obligation to maintain friendships in life that no longer serve any positive purpose. The friendship can continue to go on, despite feelings of being hurt, because “breaking up” with a friend can be seem unorthodox.

The Fun With Fear: Why We Like To Be Scared

The Fun With Fear: Why We Like To Be Scared

Halloween is around the corner, and some of us willingly put ourselves through fear and suspense. Pounding heartbeat, heavy breathing, having a cold sweat, butterflies in your stomach; these don't sound like a fun experience, but we endure them when we feel fear. So why do you think so many people like to feel scared?

Supporting Others Emotional-Wellbeing: Ways To Support Someone Struggling With Depression

Supporting Others Emotional-Wellbeing: Ways To Support Someone Struggling With Depression

Depression is ubiquitous, and unfortunately, a loved one in our life may struggle. When someone we love is having a difficult time, all we want to do is help, but many ask how? You can let them know you have noticed the change and express empathy.

Do’s and Don’ts When Achieving Relationship Goals

Do’s and Don’ts When Achieving Relationship Goals

On social media or in conversation, the term “relationship goals” has gained popularity as a term used in response to an example of a relationship that one feels represents the desired relationship in their life. In couple’s therapy, goals are crucial to establish and continue to interact with and update throughout the process to help keep the treatment focused and productive for the couple. Being able to develop genuine and wise-minded goals is more challenging than you think.

Ways To Cope With Divorce

Ways To Cope With Divorce

While healing from a divorce, you may experience a grieving process and there are things you can focus on during this time. Exhaustion, overwhelming feelings, negative and painful feelings may arise and while these can be scary, they are also normal and can be worked through. Here are some ways to cope through the process of moving forward from a divorce.

Feeling Stuck In Therapy?

Feeling Stuck In Therapy?

When you are feeling stuck in therapy it's usually due to wanting to make changes yet struggling to do so. Feeling stuck in therapy shouldn’t automatically feel like a bad thing. Some people consider this moment a “tipping point.” You may be asking what's next and where to go. Here are some ways to get unstuck within the therapy space.

Respecting Boundaries: How To Approach a Boundary When It Is Set

Respecting Boundaries: How To Approach a Boundary When It Is Set

When someone sets a boundary, it can feel sudden. To you, it may not even feel as though you were acting or speaking in a way that made this other person feel as though they needed to set a boundary. You may freeze up, become upset, or even start an argument. Oftentimes, there are conversations focused on the importance of setting boundaries and how to do this, but there is not much discussion on how to navigate boundaries that others are setting with us. Read along to find out answers to some of the questions you may have.

Transitions and Changes: Coping with Change

Transitions and Changes: Coping with Change

Change is inevitable, it is something that will always come at some point in your life. However, change can bring up varying emotions and thoughts. There may be feelings of anger, shock, sadness, excitement, fear, overwhelmed, grief, relief, and/or even acceptance. The range of emotion is a natural part of the change process, even if it may be a positive change. However, it is important to make sure that these emotions do not take control of the situation. The following are some useful tips on how to more easily cope with change.

Time for Change: How To Build Up Motivation For Change

Time for Change: How To Build Up Motivation For Change

Many people struggle with making changes in their lives. Some people may not be convinced of the need for change. Some people may understand the change required but may be unable to act due to resources or timing. Some people understand the changes that they want in their lives, have the capability and resources, and yet still struggle with activating that change. It is this third group of individuals with which many folks suffering from mental health difficulties can identify. While working with individuals who list a “lack of motivation” as a reoccurring symptom that is significantly affecting their life, building motivation is one of the first steps needed because motivation is needed to cope, to change symptom-reinforcing habits, and to eventually experience a more desirable mood and quality of life. The next few steps would be one of the most effective ways to help build motivation for change, even for those who particularly struggle with this challenge.

Relationship Strategies: Coping With The Ending of a Friendship

Relationship Strategies: Coping With The Ending of a Friendship

It is never easy when a friendship ends. It could have happened one of two ways, either you were the one to end it, or your former friend decided to. And it was likely due to so many reasons, either the friendship was toxic, codependent, a significant event, the relationship just drifted apart, etc. Romantic breakups are more talked about than friendship breakups, but they happen to everyone, and they can hurt just as bad.

Emotional Wellbeing & Work: Is your Job Good For You?

Emotional Wellbeing & Work: Is your Job Good For You?

Forty or more hours a week, 9 am to 5 pm or later, short breaks then back at it again. Sound familiar? Many jobs have this format but a growing number (particularly after the pandemic) are adopting a different format and requiring workers to figure out solutions to new challenges. Whether you are a restaurant server, warehouse supervisor, or a CEO, the idea that a job or a career is a regular and necessary part of life is built into our culture. Just think of the perceptions around the idea of being “unemployed” or “jobless” or how many times you may have heard growing up things like “you need a job” or “no one likes to work, but you have to do it.” From the time you begin to work until retirement, it is assumed that everyone needs to work a job in order to achieve. It is here where many people struggle with the idea of sacrificing so much of their time to a job when their values would suggest a different use of their time and energy. There are also many people who place themselves in their job or career doing what they love and where their values agree with how they use their time. Now here is the $50,000-a-year question (before taxes); How in the heck do you figure out what is right for you?

Coping with Stress: Managing End-of-School Year Stressors

Coping with Stress: Managing End-of-School Year Stressors

Summer is quickly approaching which can bring up mixed emotions for students. There is the excitement for warm weather, field trips, prom, and the end of the school year. But this also means the stress of final exams, end-of-the-year projects, and the anticipation of finding out grades and GPA for the year. Sometimes, the stress can be unmanageable, and overwhelming, and make it difficult to even feel excited about the good times that come with the end of the year. As a parent, it is important to be mindful of the stress that your child may be experiencing during this time of year in providing support and not placing excessive pressure on academic performance.

Committing to Relationships Through Challenging Times

Committing to Relationships Through Challenging Times

Whether you began a relationship with your partner many years ago or just found each other, the impact of life-changing events can throw the chips up in the air for many relationships. The need for building new habits and routines alone can cause stress in a relationship. With all the changes that can occur in daily living, relationships have been tested to their limits in the events of things like divorce, loss of a job, having a baby, relocating, etc. Whether is it a large societal shift or increased anxiety about individual life changes, a new normal is not something for which anyone is fully prepared. So, what is it that one could do to build resiliency in your relationship so that it is given its best chance for success in challenging times?

Getting Good Sleep: Tips on Improving Sleep Quality

Getting Good Sleep: Tips on Improving Sleep Quality

Do you ever find yourself lying in bed for hours on end, staring at the ceiling, and not being able to fall asleep? Finding yourself to be tossing and turning, watching the time pass by? Now think about how you feel the next day: groggy? Grumpy? Finding it difficult to concentrate or motivate yourself? Maintaining a good sleep schedule is beneficial for both physical and mental health. Adults between the ages of 18- 64 require 7-9 hours of sleep per night for sufficient sleep and energy, yet research shows that approximately 35.2% of American adults do not get enough sleep (Suni, 2021). If you find yourself in this percentage, it is important to begin to practice good sleep hygiene.

New Year New Goals: Setting New Years Goals on Your Own Terms

New Year New Goals: Setting New Years Goals on Your Own Terms

New Years resolutions are part of celebrating the new years for some people. Making a list of goals and a plan to start on the 1st or the first Monday after the New Years is the usual norm. Rather than making a list of new goals this year, how about trying a different way to contemplate your goals and having a way to gauge your goals?

G.R.A.P.E.S. for Depression: When Life Gives You Lemons, Make G.R.A.P.E.S.

G.R.A.P.E.S. for Depression: When Life Gives You Lemons, Make G.R.A.P.E.S.

Grapes are nutritious and delicious, however we are referring to the acronym G.R.A.P.E.S. commonly used to address and combat depression. Symptoms of depression often include having feelings of sadness, even hopelessness, and lack of motivation. During times of depression, it can be helpful to follow these guidelines with the help of the following acronym, and to practice these regularly to reduce the possibility of experiencing depressive symptoms.